Saturday, March 13, 2010

Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?

I may need to look after one for a few weeks as I've got a pal going into hospital.Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?
yeah invite me round, i'll bring the eggs, you supply the bacon.Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?
I think you'll piss it off big time in an average small, dark garage!
Nice one!

Find your nearest pig farmer
I don't see why not seeing there are people who keep pet pot bellied pigs in their house.
migght be but the smell will take weeks to go .////////////////
I think that's kind of cruel, the pig needs fresh air. Why not leave it where it is and just visit it every day? Less hassle, and your car will NOT get dirty, pigs are for life not just for Christmas.
That depends on the laws in your town/municipality. Have you dealt with livestock before? Other than than, if you had your parents' permission, why not.
Sure, why not....

And if it doesnt work out you will have free bacon for a year!
no itz not rite coz

it wil harm u

it wil spread diseases

it gives bad smell

gerage is v small for cattle
Pigs need soft ground to walk on.

Also pigs should not be kept around birds!!! %26lt;---Because for the bird flu to occur, the simple germs pass from bird to pig back to bird again and that's what makes the bird flu.;鈥?/a>

Read the best answer for more info, about the birds and pigs.

She explains it way better than I ever could.
FIRST, you need to get a bale of straw for its bedding. Make sure it has plenty of water source, You can get some supplies from your friend to take care of it. If he is the pets owner, he should help you with this situation, but definately get it water and a bed. You will need to clean out the garage quite often. How big is the pig? If not to big you can buy a dog ';halter'; and put it outside to do any ';business'; and in the garage at night. Fenced yard? Need more info, but your friend should by all means help you with this endeavor.
Well, some people do own pigs as pets, so I will take your question seriously.

Is this pig a pot-belly or a regular size pig? Is he used to living indoors or does he stay outdoors?

Assuming this is a rather small pot-belly pig:

If he is an outdoor pig, then just go over and take care of him at your friends house. If he is an indoor pig, you could either go over and feed/ take him out/clean up after him, etc.

I don't know how he would react to being put in your garage.. As for the plastic sheeting, I think he would eat it, which would most likely result in your friend returning to a dead pig. So, check that out.

I would suggest you find a place that boards pigs.. I'm sure there must be some, since a lot of people do own pot-belly pigs.
is the plastic sheet to protect the garage or the pig?
take it out on a walk twice a day and feed it and water it regularly and it will be fine!
OK if you join it.

RSPCA on speed dial.
Plastic sheeting and straw would be ok for a while in an emergency. Make sure you change the straw

as often as needed .Good luck 1
err no.

Its highly irresponsible and illegal.

Pigs movements ( from farm to farm...not the other type of movement ) need to be reported to DEFRA.

And you need to be registere to keep a pig - yes even for a day.

If you have to ask the question then I guess your've never kept pigs before and so don't know if you may be transmitting desease around.

I'll bookmark this, maybe this is where the next foot and mouth outbreak will start.
You need to give your pig lots to do. Pigs are very intelligent and will get bored easily and become unhappy. Put interesting stuff in the garage and maybe even a TV (as long as its out of reach. I'm not entirely sure your pig will like a TV, just an idea)

It also needs to be comfortable so put down lots of straw which you can get from a farmer or a farm shop or something. Or even from a pet shop.

You will also need a big bucket of fresh water for it to drink every day, and of course, some food.

Don't forget to clean the garage occasionally.
Check with local authorities (animal control or ASPCA) many cities it is illegal to keep pigs, goats, chickens etc. in urban residential areas. If this is true of your area, the ASPCA can just come along and seize the animal, and then you will have to pay the fine, which is not low. They won't listen to's the law. So find out before you commit to helping your friend.
only if its temporary. And you might want to stick it in you basement if the weather is too much for it. Especially if your friend kept it in the house. If its too cold, a heat lamp can be set up, too hot, fans maybe?

Can the pig just stay at home and you stop by and take care of it several times a day? It might be less stress on you and the pig.
why not ? food -water-not too hot? ( pig poop smells REAL bad )

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