Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?

My son is 13 and has hit puberty. I've noticed stains on his sheets and mattress. Semen stains. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I didn't say anything about it. I just put the plastic sheet on his mattress. He used to wet the bed many years ago, so he had a plastic sheet, but he hasn't needed it since he started being dry, so we took it off. But now he's upset that I want him to sleep with a plastic sheet covering the mattress. I guess he feels it makes him like a baby. But I want to protect the mattress. I told him that it's a choice between him wearing GoodNites and plastic sheets. I know that wet dreams aren't the same as bedwetting, but it seems to me that if someone can't keep his bed dry at night, he should have some protection. The problem is that my son is really upset about the plastic sheet. What can I say to him so he feels better about it?I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
I'm not sure what you could say. I'm sure everyone already feels awkward. But what if you just use a bed cushion under a regular sheet and tell him that it's so he is more comfortable and so that the bed doesn't get lumpy? Or get some mattress pads and he may not even notice those under his regular sheets. They work very well, I was a caregiver for an elderly man and I would put them on his bed because he would wet every night and he never noticed. So, if they can hold incontinence, I'm sure they can hold 'wet dreams'.I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
Wow, I dont think that wet dreams call for a plastic sheet. This is just embarassing to him. All boys his age go through this and to be honest, you are the first i heard of putting a plastic sheet. That is your choice, I just dont think it is necessary. You can just wash his sheets more often.
I'm not a parent, so I don't know. But you could try getting one of those liner things that they put under sheets... the ones that are cloth-like on one side and plastic on the other? Maybe? I dunno.
Have a set of sheets dedicated just to his bed.....problem solved. Wash once a week or once every 2 weeks. Problem solved.
Didn't you say your son was 10 in your last question....

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