Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?

Why was it so easy for a government to convince people that buying duct tape and plastic sheeting was a good idea to protect themselves against a nerve agent or anthrax attack, yet it鈥檚 so hard to convince people of an actual threat like global warming?Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?
People wanted to believe they could protect themselves against a nerve agent attack.

People don't want to believe that global warming is a threat.

If I've learned one thing from my time on Y!A, it's that people are very good at finding ways to believe what they want to believe.Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?
Are you kidding?? Grow up!!!
Because in order to prevent global warming we would need to learn to cut down on our luxuries and humans just- we are naturally greedy.... =[
I admit that i'm personally not 100% convinced that humans are actually causing this recent rise in global temp. However I often think of it as like being stranded out at sea in an open lifeboat; there is a bit of water slopping around in the bottom of the boat and you can either ignore it and hope it wont get worse and sink the boat, or you can bail it out and hope no more comes in.

The population of the western, developed world wont do enough to reduce the threat of global warming because it wont seriously affect them; people can be moved, food can be bought and homes can be re-built. The third world however will suffer instead.

Maybe the US government, if they get around to deciding to get proactive on the subject, should emphesise how massive climate change will cause mass unemployment, economic collapse, wars and mass migration. The price in $$ may encourage the people to start to act..... The media are being a hell of a lot more restrained than during the anthrax 'threat' but then again, the US government are not trying to declare war on any polluting nations (yet).
global warming..... the earth has patterns of warm and cold climates....it's natural. check history, there was what was called a ';little ice age'; in like the 1600's or 1700's. thats the weather, hot during one decade and cold in another decade.

First, the government was much more trustworthy years ago. This alone was enough for many to give them the benefit of the doubt. Second, the percentage, of educated people in our society, is greater today than 50 years ago. Third, we also have the internet, which lets us investigate these claims for ourselves. We are not forced to swallow, what the local media source feeds us. This is why the government and propagandist have problems getting people to believe them. You seem to have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, though. Let me ask you something. Do you believe it because you feel that it is true or do you believe it, because you have looked into it for yourself and have seen the concrete evidence which undeniably connects man and global warming?
Jesus Christ....
Very few people actually bought Duct tape and plastic sheeting, probably about the same amount who take global warming serious. People are too busy trying to live their lives than to save the world. The Duct tape thing at least was an actual solution, not just an accusation of our whole society.
because when people buy duct tape, they see only a small roll of tape, not the billion pounds of raw material that is use to make hundreds of tape in a single batch in the factory. Not recycling a soda can for global warming is basically the same reason not paying the salvation army bucket for orphaned kids in Nigeria.
This quote from the movie ';Men in Black'; provides the answer:

Jay: ';Why the big secret? People are smart, they can handle it.';

Kay: ';A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.';
Gwens - Why even try to answer your questions? You aren't an objective thinker like you try to claim to be. You and Dana are so high on yourselves you can't even see past the noses you both have stuck into the air.

BTW: I love Duct Tape, since my father worked as a Machinist for 3M for over thirty years.
When it comes to this issue, we are our own worst enemy. Most people can not look in a mirror and see them selves as they truly are... and see a need to change anything.

The real issue is what we consume, why, where it comes from and what we do with it when we don't want it anymore or it's used up and transformed into something else.

There are alternatives to everything we now consume. In some cases the alternatives are inferior, but in many other cases the alternatives are equal to or better than the current norm.

As I read some of the posts here, reality can get pretty twisted; it's a conspiracy theory to steal from us and make someone else rich, you can't tell me what to do FU, If we allow ourselves to believe the sky will fall the sky will fall... Gee thirty years ago, they said we were causing a new ice age, now they say we are causing warming, so now I won't believe anybody about anything... how sad.

The analogy about bailing water from the boat is spot on.

To say we have no effect on our environment is silly. But to know we have a negative effect, and have solutions to fix a problem, and not take action is moronic!

People are so removed from the proccesses that support our modern lives they are ignorant to the effects it has along the way. In many cases a small change in a proccess makes a huge difference that the end users can not detect. So why wouldn't we make that change? Because it had a so called liberal or conservative orign? Have we become that petty and polarized?

There is solid middle ground to be found on many of these issues, we are all in this together, we all need to have input and be able to meet at least half way.

I can only speak for myself when I say I am in this battle because I care just as much about the seventh generation of my oppents as I do for my own. The changes we need to make to over come this problem should not grind anyone or any group of people into the ground.

United we must stand, or divided we will surely fall...

Let's get out of this place and move forward!

Most people are convinced of the fact that Anthropogenic Global Warming exists.

The big challenge is stopping Global Warming.

Have you read the IPCC reports? (International Panel on Climate Change)

These are the reports by the scientists who shared the Nobel Prize with Al Gore.

If you had read those reports you would know that according to the IPCC reports, if we are to have any chance at all of stopping Global Warming we much reduce world wide carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

In the United States alone we could not reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today unless we shut down the entire economy, stopped driving any cars at all, stopped heating out homes, shut down our factories, shut down our farming operations and food distribution systems.

Then we would have to get agreement from all of the other nations in the world, including the developing countries to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

What is your solution to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today?

Until you can figure out how we will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions worldwide to less than 10% of what they are today you are offering nothing of value to this issue.

At the moment you are nothing more than a Troll calling people names because they do not have a solution to the AGW problem.

Yet you do not have a solution either. You have absolutely no idea how you would persuade all of the countries of the world, including China and India to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

Instead of entertaining yourself by calling other people names, why do you not outline your plan to have all of the countries of the world reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.
It is very easy for the government to convince people about AGW. You have a much larger crowd rushing out to buy a Pirus and condoning people that don't believe global warming, than the number of people that rushed out to buy plastic sheeting and duct tape. Your point serves against your argument. Just because it is the Democrats scaring us with this smoke show instead of the Republican people buy off that it is not government. The Government and the Press have convinced many, many people that global warming is man made and you all accept it like many people did for duct tape and plastic sheeting. You have accepted a silly thing designed to invoke emotion just as the duct tape and plastic sheet people did. You are just as gullible as they are.
If you were a real scientists you would need data to support a theory and not consensus. The Surface of this planet did not warm because of greenhouse gases in the mid troposphere.

Maybe they aren't using the right kind of propaganda? Maybe if they wrapped the flag around the issue, or showed more Mom's baking apple pie to hep get the point across.

But your premises is wrong. Far more buy into the global warming scam then bought plastic and duct tape.

But thanks for showing that ';global warming'; is a political issue and not a scientific issue. The gvmt never has to convince people to what the speed of light is, as this can be scientifically determined.
well its allot easyer to get someone to do something if you get them scared enough, the prolbem is global warming is not ';sexy'; enough. a few degrees here and there dosent sound like much but dyeing after inhaling anthrax is allot easyer to sell.

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