Saturday, March 13, 2010

What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?

I suppose with an election just around the corner I better hold on to them...What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?
Yes you should hold on them. If the country is leaning towards voting for a Democrat, I'm sure another terrorist attack will be imminent. You can never have enough plastic sheets and duct tape.What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?
comes in handy for painting inside the house
Send them to Iraq.
sell them to the republicans for their boys only crisco parties gotta cover up all that expensive furniture
I have an idea for the duct tape.....
Put them with the SARS face masks and the swine flu vaccines.
donate them to the kurds that were gased by saddam, oh waint to late
You could go help paint at at homeless shelter and use them for covering the floors and window trim. You could help build and paint one of those houses that Jimmy Carter brags about. But you are right, since a democrat is sure to be elected as next president, you might wanna make sure you cover the windows and doors because most likely we won't be winning the war against terrorists then.
What were you supposed to do with the originally? Seal your house air tight? Several Americans died from doing just that that after 9/11.

';three_suspensions_one_'; beat me to the punchline...

I yield to his response.
You could make a special campaign flag for the GOP to remind eveyone who wanted us to get that stuff.
Hold on to them just in case.

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