Thursday, March 11, 2010

I want to lay a sheet of plastic on the ground before planting cantaloupe. Does it work?

I lay down 6 mil black plastic use garden staples to pin it down cut holes for the seeds and scatter Straw over the plastic to cushion the melons. It keeps the weed out really good. Don't use hay because it has too many grass seeds it.

I do my watermelon the same way.I want to lay a sheet of plastic on the ground before planting cantaloupe. Does it work?
For what purpose do you want to lay down plastic? I've never used plastic in a garden.

If you want to control weeds, you can lay a few sheets' thickness of newspaper down and cut 3-4 inch openings for the plants or seeds. It allows water to penetrate, unlike plastic, and it decomposes into the soil. I prefer mulch to prevent weeds. A 2-inch layer of grass clippings over the entire garden works well. Just be sure to keep it a couple of inches away from the base of each plant.I want to lay a sheet of plastic on the ground before planting cantaloupe. Does it work?
The only time I have seen plastic sheeting used is in a flower garden. It is supposed to prevent weeds from growing aroung the base of the flower bush. It was explained to me that it keeps the UV rays from getting to the soil, and thus prevents growth. I have never used it, but if it is true, then your cantaloupes will not grow.
here is what works for me. forget the plastic stuff. grow your melons vertically. put up a small wire fence and they will climb it just like cukes. takes up much less space, and you can cut up a couple old t shirts about 3 inches wide or so and tie it to the fence and around the melons to act as a sling support. works good. when the melons are ripe and separate from the vine, they wont fall because of the support sling. simple, but effective.
It can keep weeds from growing and retains moisture. Many people use black plastic early in the season to warm the soil for earlier planting.

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