Saturday, March 13, 2010

Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?

I was wondering if it was possible to run a plastic binder cover (like the kind you use with a comb binding machine) through my printer? I'm not sure if the ink would even actually stick to it... or if it might even melt in my new printer? I have a new Kodak ESP3... so I don't want to mess it up! Anyone know? I know you can buy clear sheets made for the inkjet printers... but I didn't know if these were different... Thanks in advance.Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?
The ink won't stick to it.Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?
the binder covers a to slick for the ink to stick to. the ';overhead'; clear plastic printable sheets are a bit thin for use as covers. There are Thermal plastic sheets that will take printing...ask some graphic engineer...they use it for overlays on plans.

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