Thursday, March 11, 2010

At ';certain'; times in the month should a lady not sleep on the couch with plastic sheeting?

as linen is quite expensive to replace and its a bit unfair to interupt a man's good night sleep after a hard dayAt ';certain'; times in the month should a lady not sleep on the couch with plastic sheeting?

We have long developed the art of padding, and discretion!

We have to sleep every night next to sweaty, hairy, smelly bodies so zip it!!!At ';certain'; times in the month should a lady not sleep on the couch with plastic sheeting?
What an awful suggestion. Bed linen is made to be laundered and there are plenty of good detergents out there, so there is no need to buy new bed linen. And I'm sure your partner doesn't try to change the sheets in the middle of the night, even if her sanitary protection leaks a bit. Even if she does you should be a bit more tolerant.

What makes you think you deserve more sleep than she does?

I just hope she doesn't show the same intolerance to you when you are an old man having difficulty controlling your bladder!
you sir are a self righteous pig-headed petty bastard who needs to pull his head out of his a$$

1. when it's that time of the month you need to learn to keep your mouth shut before you get your head chopped off

2. we have tampons and pads for reasons

3.the friggin sheets wash, soak some oxy-clean on any stains and deal with it

4. no one else will see you sheets who gives a rats a$$

5. how the hell would we interrupt you, yes in the middle of the night we're gonna rip the sheets off the bed

6. you think you've had a hard day we're pms-ing many of us work full time jobs or are going to school and there are often children involved and screaming and picking up after them and we cook dinner and you're complaining about a hard day,HA

7. if you were my man you would be sleepin in the dog house as to even suggesting crap like that
No, that's why we have sanitary towels and tampons. Does your partner not use them, does she just dribble all over the place? If you can't afford sanitary towels you could always use moss! That's what they used in the old days.
If it bothers you you can always put a plastic bag on your head, you will sure as hell sleep better.
She's probably really polite about the ';slug trails'; on your side of the bed.
You seriously need to quit smoking crack...
Get a life.
Are you mad or what,you are say that a woman should sleep on the couch when it is the time of the month. And to say that this will disturb a man when he is a sleep is stupid.
I do.
';not sleep on the couch with plastic sheeting';?

You'd think with the superior mentality you seem to claim to have you'd realize your mistake in wording this question.
when you've found a woman that doesn't need inflating, be sure to let us know
Do you not have an isolation tank for these 'special lady times'.That's what we do in this house.That and a big black 'plague' cross on the front door!
At ';certain'; times in the month should a man not keep his mouth shut so that he keeps his head on his shoulders instead of having it removed due to PMT! Oh men - you never learn!! Haha.
I know - next they will be saying that all sanitary products should be free on the NHS - a little bit of belly ache and they moan moan moan - they should try shaving everyday

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