Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?

I am looking to help moisture proof my crawl spaceWhat is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?
Construction adhesive at the top of the block. A good solid line of it. Don't scrimp the first time. Push plastic against it and rub. Do not disturb the joint. Hope this helps. I did this on my crawl space and did it ever make a difference on the amount of moisture coming through the wall! Many times when a foundation for a crawl space is built it is not damp proofed. It is not a requirement of code to damp proof 'non living' spaces. So the contractor does not do it but later on the homeowner wonders why the wall is moist or damp to the touch. Good for you that you are doing this. Do not attach to the plate. It is my personal feeling that if attached to plate it can lead to the plate becoming more entrained with moisture and maybe failing earlier. Or what is in contact with the plate. Hope this helps.What is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?
From the outside, right? The ';tar'; damproofing or bitumen is the best job. You can then place the plastic over the tar. The key is getting the tar as close the grade line as possible. Most moisture entering foundation comes from improper grading or downspouts that are not properly extended. Make sure grade pitches properly away from foundation. Also extend downspouts 5 feet from foundation.
spray tak or 3M spray adhesive spray it on the concrete and on the plastic and wait 5mins before sticking
Using paint on the block and apply the plastic sheeting.
  • makeup school
  • How can I print onto velcro backed plastic sheets?


    I'd like to make some patches which are printed directly onto plastic, which can then be backed with heavy duty velcro. Rather than credit card type width think more along the lines of a thin mouse-mat, but with velcro replacing the foam.

    Is this something that I can do from home with any deal of realism?

    Would I need to print onto the surface and then finish it in some way after?

    If there is some sort of online resource for this and you would be so kind as to link me I don't mind researching, I'm just only able to see printing to credit cards in my searches.

    Many thanks for any help!How can I print onto velcro backed plastic sheets?
    That's a job best done by a professional printing company as they have the VERY expensive equipment to print ontp plastic, then add a suitable backing.

    it's not something that you could do with equipment on a size and budget to have at home

    What's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?

    It's flat, like paper, but with a layer of plastic over top of it that has grooves into it that refracts the image printed on the paper. You used to get them in cereal/crackerjack boxes, or printed on a child's plastic ruler, or sometimes even the cover of a book would have them. Depending on the angle that you hold them, you see different images. You could tip them back and forth to produce a little 5 or 6 frame animation. Or some of them even let you see some basic 3D stereoscopic images. You don't need to wear 3D glasses or anything, it's just a flat thing.

    What's that technology called? I'm trying to find info about them and I don't know what they're called. Is there a company that will make them for me?What's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?
    It's called autostereoscopy. The grooved plastic is either a lenticular lens or parallax barrierWhat's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?
    You may be talking about a Fresnel lens which is flat but provides magnification. It consists of grooves in the plastic. You can see odd optical things when you bend it or look at it at an angle.

    You may also be talking about a ';polarizing'; filter which physically blocks some of the light waves and allows other light waves to pass thru. The ';grooves'; are too small to see.

    I suppose you could have a polarized Fresnel lens.

    Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?

    i recently had drainage pipes installed in my backyard. the pipes are draining to the front street. my yard is all dirt. the landscaper suggest that i put plastic sheets down all over the back yard and put gravel or wood chips on top of it. he called it walking mulch. he said to put the plastic down to keep the rain from penetrating the soil right away. he also graded the yard so that the yard is sloped away from my home. has anyone every done this before. he suggest i do it before the next rain which is coming soon. thank you for any advice or comments in advance.Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?
    That just does not sound right.

    The drainage pipes are supposed to drain the water away. If you cover the ground with plastic, you are going to have a big, artificial lake. When you go to remove the plastic, the water has to go somewhere. That's right, it will go right onto the ground you just kept it off of.

    Ask him to give you a better explanation of what he did. Is it perforated pipe? Does it need time to compact properly, if so the rain should do that.

    Good luck.Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?
    I'd think you'd be better off sowing some quick growing annual grass seed to hold the soil. If necessary you could even cover the seeded dirt with burlap to stop erosion. The grass will grow right thru and the burlap will decompose so no need to pull it up. Annual grass will sprout within a week and hold the soil for awhile.You'd want to reseed with a good perennial lawn mix for permanent grass. The grading away from the house is a very good idea is you want a dry basement.

    Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?

    I'm looking to buy some heavy duty clear plastic sheets/strips that you typically see in the grocery store that separate the cold rooms from the colder rooms. I'm looking to get some so I can hang them from my gazebo to protect the innards from the elements. No need to comment on how ugly it will look... I'm going for function not fashion. The only thing I can find are really thin but large plastic tarps, which look like they would fly away in a light breeze.Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?

    Try building supply retailer.Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?
    Not sure of trade name

    Heavy plastic flaps that hang from door openings to allow people %26amp; machines to enter /exit without having a fixed door....right?

    Try Grainger's or Mc Master's online ..........might as well look under ';enviornmental barriers'; as mentioned.

    Best regards
    Look for that in the paint dept. of you local DIY store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.).

    You can choose the thickness you prefer, which is referred to as Mils...the higher the number, the thicker the plastic. You will probably want at least a 2mil, I would suggest 5mil if it is to last thru the hot summer sun...and it comes in assorted lenghts with approximately a 6ft. width.

    As for your project being unsightly, it doesn't have to be that either. I attacked a similar project myself and it came out superbly! I used inexpensive lx2x6's to make a frame and attached plastic to the boards with a staple gun (be sure to double the plastic over where you staple it-like a ';hem';) then attached those to the existing 4x4 posts on my open patio. Came out looking like a professional greenhouse, and was easy to take down when it became too hot in the summer.


    Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?

    What are my options? What's the name of these type of plastics?

    Id like to buy in bulk, raw sizes to get the lowest price possible.. Its bendable like this:

    http://www.bicgraphic.com/servlet/Online鈥?/a>Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?
    any big office supply store.Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?
    Try your local Office Depot, or Staples. They should have what you are looking for and if not they can tell you where you can get them.

    I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?

    My son is 13 and has hit puberty. I've noticed stains on his sheets and mattress. Semen stains. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I didn't say anything about it. I just put the plastic sheet on his mattress. He used to wet the bed many years ago, so he had a plastic sheet, but he hasn't needed it since he started being dry, so we took it off. But now he's upset that I want him to sleep with a plastic sheet covering the mattress. I guess he feels it makes him like a baby. But I want to protect the mattress. I told him that it's a choice between him wearing GoodNites and plastic sheets. I know that wet dreams aren't the same as bedwetting, but it seems to me that if someone can't keep his bed dry at night, he should have some protection. The problem is that my son is really upset about the plastic sheet. What can I say to him so he feels better about it?I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
    I'm not sure what you could say. I'm sure everyone already feels awkward. But what if you just use a bed cushion under a regular sheet and tell him that it's so he is more comfortable and so that the bed doesn't get lumpy? Or get some mattress pads and he may not even notice those under his regular sheets. They work very well, I was a caregiver for an elderly man and I would put them on his bed because he would wet every night and he never noticed. So, if they can hold incontinence, I'm sure they can hold 'wet dreams'.I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
    Wow, I dont think that wet dreams call for a plastic sheet. This is just embarassing to him. All boys his age go through this and to be honest, you are the first i heard of putting a plastic sheet. That is your choice, I just dont think it is necessary. You can just wash his sheets more often.
    I'm not a parent, so I don't know. But you could try getting one of those liner things that they put under sheets... the ones that are cloth-like on one side and plastic on the other? Maybe? I dunno.
    Have a set of sheets dedicated just to his bed.....problem solved. Wash once a week or once every 2 weeks. Problem solved.
    Didn't you say your son was 10 in your last question....

  • makeup school
  • How to hang plastic sheeting below my mobile home with wood only available on one side?

    I did some repair work under my trailer, and had to slit open my plastic to get to it. Now I have replaced the insulation, but I need to put the plastic back together. The slit is big enought that I need to put another piece of plastic over the hole. I only have wood available on one side. On that side, I can use my hand stapler and staple it into the wood. Then one side has a metal edge. And the other two sides I just need to connect it to the existing plastic. The staples will just fall out if I put them from plastic to plastic. How do I this this correctly?How to hang plastic sheeting below my mobile home with wood only available on one side?
    You list 4 'sides'. I assume the 2 sides where you need to connect to plastic are the top and bottom. If that is the case, DON'T attach to the plastic. Your 'patch' should be the full height of the sheeting. You already know how to attach to the side with wood. That only leaves the side with metal. Can you screw through the metal into a new piece of wood, and then attach the plastic to the wood?How to hang plastic sheeting below my mobile home with wood only available on one side?
    In the area where the plastic overlaps, dig a hole so you can hold a piece of wood in place while you staple the plastic patch on. Then, fill in the hole. Finally, use duct tape on the edges to create a seal and to prevent the staples from rusting. If you are on concrete and can't dig a hole, build an ';L'; bracket out of wood - a triangle may work even better. Put it in place behind the existing plastic and weight it down with a sandbag so it stays in place while you carefully staple the patch piece into the upright portion. Finish with tape.
    The REAL best way to do it.... depends on the type of plastic... but some plastics like acrylic bond using weld-on #3 others use other chemical bonds.... or you can use glues... epoxy glues, silicone glue.... or the cure all method DUCT TAPE
    Gorilla brand duct tape. Its strong stuff.

    It held the rear window of my convertible in for over 6 months! In the Winter!
    by using duck tape.
    You might try taping the new plastic sheeting with the red tape used for vapour barrier. It's the only tape I know that will reliably stay stuck to plastic. All the others give up after a while. Use the heavy vapour barrier plastic, and I would tape all the edges of it, stapled or otherwise, with the red tape so as to prevent moisture from getting in. On the metal edge, perhaps a construction adhesive would be best though you may have to support or tape the plastic temporarily until it cures. Do that side last, I think, so most of the plastic is already supported and it won't fall down with adhesive all over it before the other sides are in place.

    Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?

    Why was it so easy for a government to convince people that buying duct tape and plastic sheeting was a good idea to protect themselves against a nerve agent or anthrax attack, yet it鈥檚 so hard to convince people of an actual threat like global warming?Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?
    People wanted to believe they could protect themselves against a nerve agent attack.

    People don't want to believe that global warming is a threat.

    If I've learned one thing from my time on Y!A, it's that people are very good at finding ways to believe what they want to believe.Duct tape, plastic sheeting and global warming?
    Are you kidding?? Grow up!!!
    Because in order to prevent global warming we would need to learn to cut down on our luxuries and humans just- we are naturally greedy.... =[
    I admit that i'm personally not 100% convinced that humans are actually causing this recent rise in global temp. However I often think of it as like being stranded out at sea in an open lifeboat; there is a bit of water slopping around in the bottom of the boat and you can either ignore it and hope it wont get worse and sink the boat, or you can bail it out and hope no more comes in.

    The population of the western, developed world wont do enough to reduce the threat of global warming because it wont seriously affect them; people can be moved, food can be bought and homes can be re-built. The third world however will suffer instead.

    Maybe the US government, if they get around to deciding to get proactive on the subject, should emphesise how massive climate change will cause mass unemployment, economic collapse, wars and mass migration. The price in $$ may encourage the people to start to act..... The media are being a hell of a lot more restrained than during the anthrax 'threat' but then again, the US government are not trying to declare war on any polluting nations (yet).
    global warming..... the earth has patterns of warm and cold climates....it's natural. check history, there was what was called a ';little ice age'; in like the 1600's or 1700's. thats the weather, hot during one decade and cold in another decade.

    First, the government was much more trustworthy years ago. This alone was enough for many to give them the benefit of the doubt. Second, the percentage, of educated people in our society, is greater today than 50 years ago. Third, we also have the internet, which lets us investigate these claims for ourselves. We are not forced to swallow, what the local media source feeds us. This is why the government and propagandist have problems getting people to believe them. You seem to have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, though. Let me ask you something. Do you believe it because you feel that it is true or do you believe it, because you have looked into it for yourself and have seen the concrete evidence which undeniably connects man and global warming?
    Jesus Christ....
    Very few people actually bought Duct tape and plastic sheeting, probably about the same amount who take global warming serious. People are too busy trying to live their lives than to save the world. The Duct tape thing at least was an actual solution, not just an accusation of our whole society.
    because when people buy duct tape, they see only a small roll of tape, not the billion pounds of raw material that is use to make hundreds of tape in a single batch in the factory. Not recycling a soda can for global warming is basically the same reason not paying the salvation army bucket for orphaned kids in Nigeria.
    This quote from the movie ';Men in Black'; provides the answer:

    Jay: ';Why the big secret? People are smart, they can handle it.';

    Kay: ';A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.';
    Gwens - Why even try to answer your questions? You aren't an objective thinker like you try to claim to be. You and Dana are so high on yourselves you can't even see past the noses you both have stuck into the air.

    BTW: I love Duct Tape, since my father worked as a Machinist for 3M for over thirty years.
    When it comes to this issue, we are our own worst enemy. Most people can not look in a mirror and see them selves as they truly are... and see a need to change anything.

    The real issue is what we consume, why, where it comes from and what we do with it when we don't want it anymore or it's used up and transformed into something else.

    There are alternatives to everything we now consume. In some cases the alternatives are inferior, but in many other cases the alternatives are equal to or better than the current norm.

    As I read some of the posts here, reality can get pretty twisted; it's a conspiracy theory to steal from us and make someone else rich, you can't tell me what to do FU, If we allow ourselves to believe the sky will fall the sky will fall... Gee thirty years ago, they said we were causing a new ice age, now they say we are causing warming, so now I won't believe anybody about anything... how sad.

    The analogy about bailing water from the boat is spot on.

    To say we have no effect on our environment is silly. But to know we have a negative effect, and have solutions to fix a problem, and not take action is moronic!

    People are so removed from the proccesses that support our modern lives they are ignorant to the effects it has along the way. In many cases a small change in a proccess makes a huge difference that the end users can not detect. So why wouldn't we make that change? Because it had a so called liberal or conservative orign? Have we become that petty and polarized?

    There is solid middle ground to be found on many of these issues, we are all in this together, we all need to have input and be able to meet at least half way.

    I can only speak for myself when I say I am in this battle because I care just as much about the seventh generation of my oppents as I do for my own. The changes we need to make to over come this problem should not grind anyone or any group of people into the ground.

    United we must stand, or divided we will surely fall...

    Let's get out of this place and move forward!

    Most people are convinced of the fact that Anthropogenic Global Warming exists.

    The big challenge is stopping Global Warming.

    Have you read the IPCC reports? (International Panel on Climate Change)

    These are the reports by the scientists who shared the Nobel Prize with Al Gore.

    If you had read those reports you would know that according to the IPCC reports, if we are to have any chance at all of stopping Global Warming we much reduce world wide carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

    In the United States alone we could not reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today unless we shut down the entire economy, stopped driving any cars at all, stopped heating out homes, shut down our factories, shut down our farming operations and food distribution systems.

    Then we would have to get agreement from all of the other nations in the world, including the developing countries to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

    What is your solution to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today?

    Until you can figure out how we will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions worldwide to less than 10% of what they are today you are offering nothing of value to this issue.

    At the moment you are nothing more than a Troll calling people names because they do not have a solution to the AGW problem.

    Yet you do not have a solution either. You have absolutely no idea how you would persuade all of the countries of the world, including China and India to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.

    Instead of entertaining yourself by calling other people names, why do you not outline your plan to have all of the countries of the world reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what they are today.
    It is very easy for the government to convince people about AGW. You have a much larger crowd rushing out to buy a Pirus and condoning people that don't believe global warming, than the number of people that rushed out to buy plastic sheeting and duct tape. Your point serves against your argument. Just because it is the Democrats scaring us with this smoke show instead of the Republican people buy off that it is not government. The Government and the Press have convinced many, many people that global warming is man made and you all accept it like many people did for duct tape and plastic sheeting. You have accepted a silly thing designed to invoke emotion just as the duct tape and plastic sheet people did. You are just as gullible as they are.
    If you were a real scientists you would need data to support a theory and not consensus. The Surface of this planet did not warm because of greenhouse gases in the mid troposphere.

    Maybe they aren't using the right kind of propaganda? Maybe if they wrapped the flag around the issue, or showed more Mom's baking apple pie to hep get the point across.

    But your premises is wrong. Far more buy into the global warming scam then bought plastic and duct tape.

    But thanks for showing that ';global warming'; is a political issue and not a scientific issue. The gvmt never has to convince people to what the speed of light is, as this can be scientifically determined.
    well its allot easyer to get someone to do something if you get them scared enough, the prolbem is global warming is not ';sexy'; enough. a few degrees here and there dosent sound like much but dyeing after inhaling anthrax is allot easyer to sell.

    Plastic sheets for single beds??Or any advice to stop my toddlers mattresses getting ruined.?

    I am having a lot of trouble finding plastic sheets for my kid鈥檚 beds. I have been to a few shops here (Tasmania, Australia), and people look at me like I am crazy.

    I know they exist, because I have a couple which were bought maybe 10 years ago. Just wondering if any of you parents know where I could possibly find them in Australia, maybe over the Internet?

    Mine are falling to bits, and my kids have only recently been toilet trained and I don't want them wrecking their mattresses. Any suggestions would be good.Plastic sheets for single beds??Or any advice to stop my toddlers mattresses getting ruined.?
    Don't laugh shower vinal shower curtian placed over the middle of the bed tucked in than a cotton mattress protector then make your bed as usual this works for me. Pull ups are expensive and a lazy solution plus end up in landfills.

    Hope this worksPlastic sheets for single beds??Or any advice to stop my toddlers mattresses getting ruined.?
    have you considered over night diapers or pull ups?? i mean its an alternative to putting plastic all over their bed which caused a smothering danger. I would suggest getting Pull Ups I know they are available in the states.... unsure about Australia..... hell push come to shove message me from here and i can send you some..... im doing the same thing now. lol
    are u serious?,,, have u tried kmart?,, thats where i get mine for my kids beds, they only cost around $6.99, theyr the pvc fitted covers,

    they had em at mine still last week, im sure your k mart have them, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    theyr in the quilt cover section, theyr fantastic!, but yes, after around 5 years they start to go weak and tear
    Mine were given to me so i'm not sure were you would find them. I would have thought that you could pick them up in the nursery section at K mart Big W or Target. Perhaps try ebay but until then you could just use those plastic table cloths over the mattresses, thats what we do when we stay with grand parents.
    Look on Ebay under ';mattress cover'; there are lots of different types....some are not plastic but a thick padded toweling which is less hot for children especially in Oz...they work too because they soak it all up before it gets to the mattress.
    The shower curtain sounds like a great suggestion if you can't find the fitted covers. I actually took those cloth covers that you use for crib mattresses and put two of them across my toddlers twin bed. They're water resistent and seem more comfortable than crinkly plastic might be, they work well and I still had mine hanging around. Other than that you should be able to find them online the problem there is if the shipping will cost a fortune. Good luck
    Look for waterproof mattress pads.. I have a sealy posturpedic one for my own bed.. .(my children sometimes sleep in my bed) and it's super plush/comfy.. I got it on clearance for about $20 at Bj's wholesale club... You can also find them at ONE STEP AHEAD.com. good luck

    At McDonalds whatever happend to the colour in activity sheets they've been replaced by plastic toys?

    They still have the paper at most mcdonalds what i find is their are no crayon's i bet people steal them.At McDonalds whatever happend to the colour in activity sheets they've been replaced by plastic toys?
    The very first Happy Meal in 1979 was the Circus Wagon Happy Meal. It cost one dollar and contained either a McDoodler stencil, a puzzle book, a McWrist wallet, an ID bracelet or McDonaldland character erasers.[4] The Circus Wagon Happy Meal consisted of a hamburger or cheeseburger, twelve-ounce soft drink, a small order of french fries, and a ';McDonaldland Cookie Sampler';, a small portion of cookies.

    Often the Happy Meal is themed to promote a current movie. The first such promotion was the Star Trek Meal, to promote Star Trek: The Motion Picture in December 1979. The packaging used for the Star Trek Meal consisted of various images and games related to the film, as well as a comic strip adaptation of the film. Consumers had to buy numerous meals in order to complete the set.

    The Happy Meal did not introduce the practice of providing small toys to children. In Canada, the promotion prior to the Happy Meal was called the ';Treat of the Week,'; where a different toy was available free on request each week. This promotion continued after the Happy Meal was introduced.At McDonalds whatever happend to the colour in activity sheets they've been replaced by plastic toys?
    Mc D's is too cheap.

    Where can I buy sheets of plastic mirrors? The type used in schools for science/ maths activities.?

    Here are a couple sites I found:




    Let me know if these help.Where can I buy sheets of plastic mirrors? The type used in schools for science/ maths activities.?
    On Ebay ? Don't they have anything on Ebay ?

    Can you stitch cross stitching patterns on plastic canvas sheets?

    the 14 count is great for cross stitching on ive made some magnets and ornaments that way. last longer than on perforated paper. Perforated paper is another way to make your cross stitch patterns sturdy if that is what your thinking of.Can you stitch cross stitching patterns on plastic canvas sheets?
    Yes, as long as the design uses only full stitches. 1/4 %26amp; 1/2 stitches will give you problems. Size is another issue, the smallest plastic canvas is 14 count. So you won't be able to do designs that are larger than the actual size of the sheet.Can you stitch cross stitching patterns on plastic canvas sheets?
    You can, but you are going to dramatically increase the size of the finished product. I would recommend that you use the plastic canvas patterns on plastic canvas. You just have a much better dimension when you use the appropriate pattern on the appropriate venue.
    Yes, but you'd need to use a heavier yarn, such as 4-ply, as cross stitching thread would be too fine, and leave large spaces between stitches.
    Yeah i don't see why not. The image will come out larger and a bit less focused so it might look strange. But it is possible.
  • makeup school
  • Where can I buy cheap kites(paper or plastics sheet made)around $0.5 to $2.00?

    No need those expensive type that cost more than $3.00Where can I buy cheap kites(paper or plastics sheet made)around $0.5 to $2.00?
    Try tracing paper, and the wooden sticks you use for skewing meat for barberques.

    She said YES! Now I have to find something with feathers, plastic sheeting and chocolate syrup!?

    What are we up to?She said YES! Now I have to find something with feathers, plastic sheeting and chocolate syrup!?
    You are going to re-create an oil spill, as an experiment...She said YES! Now I have to find something with feathers, plastic sheeting and chocolate syrup!?
    I dunno, but sounds fun and I can market the video if needed. =)
    sounds like fun.
    Are you wrapping the toilet seat again with plastic, pouring syrup on it adding the feathers?
    I'm sorry. I got to the 'chocolate' part and forgot everything else. What were we talking about again?
    Um, re-enacting a scene from 9-1/2 Weeks???
    I don't know, but it sounds kinda kinky to me.
    Making a chocolate and feather sculpture?
    umm.... i dont know

    These plastic sheets are horrible....?

    It feels like sleeping in a bowl of rice crispies. At least with the matress it just sinks through the material. Anyone else have this problem?These plastic sheets are horrible....?
    Are you a bedwetter? Why are you sleeping with plastic sheets? No.These plastic sheets are horrible....?
    Not since I quit wetting the bed

    Plastic sheets and duct tape..remember the bush era?

    AKA: The Dark Ages.Plastic sheets and duct tape..remember the bush era?
    Yes, indeed. Please don't forget the awesome color-coded terror alerts which were raised (according to former director of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge) for blatantly political reasons. Ridge disavows these were his sentiments, though they are found in his auto-biography.Plastic sheets and duct tape..remember the bush era?
    At least then we could afford a Band Aid if we needed one,

    now we are trillions in debt and can't afford a cotton ball!
    You could also refer to it as the ';When we had a spine'; era.

    Where do i find big sheets of clear or tinted plastic that is bendable, the size is 10 x 20 feet. in ontario?

    A glass shop will have sheets of plexy that large for you and can cut it and braise the edges for you.

    What do i do to get water between two clear(transparent) sheets like firm plastic(if they make such plastics)?

    For craft purposesWhat do i do to get water between two clear(transparent) sheets like firm plastic(if they make such plastics)?
    It sounds like you are trying to make a shaker card kind of thing, hair gel works better than water and you can put anything in their, i would suggest going to splitcoaststampers.com and their techniques section which has all the step by step instuctionsWhat do i do to get water between two clear(transparent) sheets like firm plastic(if they make such plastics)?
    use plexiglass and buy silicone glue for fish tanks to put together
    I have no idea on this question I have been doing some research,but I have not come up with any idea's at this point! Sorry
    the only thing i can think of is the single layer acrylic sheets they have and will cut to size for you at the hardware store. why not just take 2 sheets the size you need, place one down on table, place liquid (i agree hair gel or mineral oil would work better depending on how 'fluid' you wanted it to be...) with sparkles on it and then gently place second sheet on top - you could even place a spacer around the edge or layer with a thinner sheet in between and different stuff on each side to get a dimensional look, and then seal the edges? The folks at the hardware store would know what would work best for the edges as well - and if you plan on framing this the edges need not have a 'finished' look...
  • makeup school
  • Is there a small machine for welding plastic sheeting together? I wish to make pencil cases and such.?

    Sure there are a lot of machines out there fur doing just that... Try Here www.plasticweldingtechnologies.com or just search for Plastic Welder....Is there a small machine for welding plastic sheeting together? I wish to make pencil cases and such.?
    i would just use a hot glue gun.Is there a small machine for welding plastic sheeting together? I wish to make pencil cases and such.?
    Get a soldering gun. The tip is very hot and can melt plastic together very well!

    A roll of plastic sheeting, vegetable oil, and a bottle of tequila ?

    that's all she wants me to bring over..should I worry ?A roll of plastic sheeting, vegetable oil, and a bottle of tequila ?
    Oooo Oooo Can I come?A roll of plastic sheeting, vegetable oil, and a bottle of tequila ?
    only if she rolls open the plastic sheet,and asks you to stand in the middle of it.
    Nope. You'll enjoy yourself. I promise.

    I think shes gonna chop you up, and fry you while shes drunk.

    Careful man.
    lol i agree with luna. watch your back
    sounds like my kinda friday nite!!
    Not at all. That's just mandatory.
    I wouldn't worry, but I'd go easy on the tequila until I saw where the whole thing was going...
    Depends on where she wants to stick the bottle of tequilla after it's done!!!
    Perhaps this is someone you should keep at arm's length.

    Are all liberals ';BED - WETT ERS'; and do they use plastic sheets to prevent staining the mattress

    The United States, in an attempt to help restore some semblance of justice,

    keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior,

    and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our

    great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and

    establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt

    ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wett ers.

    We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are

    confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of



    You do not have the right to never be offended. This

    country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not

    just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different

    opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.


    You do not have the right to free food and housing.

    Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help

    anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation

    after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more

    than the creation of another generation of professional couch

    potatoes.(This one is my pet peeve...get an education and go to

    work....don't expect everyone else to take care of you!)


    You do not have the right to free health care. That would be

    nice but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in

    public health care.


    You do not have the right to change our country's

    history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true

    God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any

    faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD

    WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable

    with it, TOUGH!Are all liberals ';BED - WETT ERS'; and do they use plastic sheets to prevent staining the mattress
    You have expressed what so many of us feel. Thank you.Are all liberals ';BED - WETT ERS'; and do they use plastic sheets to prevent staining the mattress
    Only the ';heroic'; ones...
    Yes! You're right!
    Yes, its true that true liberals do wet the bed.

    On the other hand, the neo-consertatives war plans make almost everyone pi.ss their pants
    Sad to say but yes they do wet their beds and still wear diapers. Although pacifiers are no longer used because the whining and crying can be heard from coast to coast. And the kicker is when they poo themselves or wet their bed they blame the President. How about that!
    Heroic Liberal, how come you're on this web site demonstrating the I.Q. of the average republican and not in Iraq being heroic??? Maybe you want to be like your hero george bush, talk like a hero, but too cowardly to actually go fight??? Got an answer for that????
    I doubt it but there may be some truth to this as I know two that are and they are Liberals, I know one other that was a late bed wetter he's a liberal. But those are only a few that I know who are,

    the rest I'm not close enough to know.
    Here's my use of freedom of speech:

    So you're turning to name calling? Not all liberals dislike everything you say. You're so ignorant it's not funny. Look, you're addressing general liberal beliefs, yes? Well do you believe in EVERYTHING that the most conservative people believe in?

    Don't sit there and call us names. There are members of our political area that are idiots. The ones who buy into any conspiracy theory out there. There are some of us who believe that we're liberal in political beliefs but if a good conservative president comes around, we'd vote for him. And if a liberal likes the IN GOD WE TRUST line, is he still a bed-wetting liberal to you? Or are they only bed-wetting as long as you don't like them? How mature is that, really?

    Whiny nothing, kid... You better grow up and realize that politics aren't right and wrong. There are beliefs here and calling people bed-wetters... yeah you start to look very mature and someone who knows that you have to look on both sides to know what you believe. I know what I'm not so I know what I am. There are two sides to everything and you can't spew out your beliefs and hope to change anything. I don't really care about your beliefs. Tell me somethign I don't know. 'Cause right here, you're not saying anything I haven't heard before. It's all the same conservative bashing of liberals. I bash liberals too, don't get me wrong, but at least I tell them why they're wrong and try to explain instead of just starting to then ending in name calling.

    Grow up!

    The painters are in should i lay plastic sheeting down and what colour should i go for?

    Depends on the period you are trying to achieve.

    White is really sanitary, try adding a splash of red.

    (or blue if you like the adverts).The painters are in should i lay plastic sheeting down and what colour should i go for?
    Black.The painters are in should i lay plastic sheeting down and what colour should i go for?
    Go for red to match the mess there is going to be


    You've got the painters in and you haven't chosen any colours yet????....poor boys!!
    yes and go cream all over
    what ever you want its your place,,
    If your painters are pros and any good they should bring their own...called dust sheets and cover all your surfaces and furniture...colour doesn't matter but they are usually cream cloth and splattered with other peoples dried paint....if they haven't got these sack or deduct from the account at the end ...you should not provide your own..
    Very messy when 'george' arrives......


    Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?

    No, only the most asinine person would even consider duct tape and plastic sheeting as protection in an attack.

    As the comedian Lewis Black said,

    ';The only way duct tape and plastic will help you in a terrorist attack is if you can wrap yourself in it and kill yourself before the chemicals do';Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?
    Nope...Do you actually know anyone who was scared into stockpiling plastic sheeting and duct tape?
    No but duct tape is great!
    LOL No, but I could probably get someone to do that now.
    Right after Katrina and Rita went through the Houston area, alot of people stockpiled everything, water and sheeting and tape and batteries and canned food. Crazy heh
    no... o.o

    When you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?

    PMS happens before your period - it doesn't get messy then! lol :-PWhen you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?
    Lmao i think some ladies have Pms at the mo babe with some answers.

    Nahh i always know when im gonna come on so i put protection on myself ready if im going to bed, i hate them plastic sheets. they use em in hospitals. They make you sweaty and it sounds like ur sleeping on a carrier bag.

    xxxWhen you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?
    Ummmm, nooooo.
    No, just wear a tampon!
    no..... i cant say i do :)
    no i dont i wear a santiray towel which takes care of things
    Only when PMS stands for ';Pissin My Self';
    I sleep on a blanket on top of the sheets. I have white sheets and I get nervous.
    No because my PMS (permanently mad spouse) is now anj ex spouse so she don't come round my house no more................

    Do you?

    I didn't do that even after I'd given birth!
    Nope, it doesn't get that messy
    No, no need to.
    No we dont.. It just gets moist not soaking wet.
    Hahahaha...nah i just tie myself up in a bin bag for a week..x
  • makeup school
  • Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?

    Putting plastic down before pouring concrete, is to prevent any water in the concrete from being absorbed by the underlying soil. If the water were to be absorbed by the soil, the process of the concrete 'curing' properly would be affected.Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?
    Putting the plastic down might help it cure faster, but that's not why it's necessary. Concrete behaves a lot like a sponge, and without a proper plastic vapor barrier, the moisture in the soil will continuously be drawn up through the slab. As the flooring contractor stated, this makes it almost impossible to put down any kind of flooring on the concrete. Any thing with glue will eventually come up, any kind of carpet will cause mold problems, and most kinds of wood will rot.Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?
    Plastic sheeting serves as a moisture barrier. Concrete is permeable and moisture from the ground can penetrate and dampen it, causing higher energy costs to heat and cool as well as possible damage to carpets and other things touching the concrete.One caveat: If you put a moisture barrier like plastic under the concrete in an open carport or other open structure such as driveways, it will make the concrete sweat and slick with moisture when the air temperature become warmer than the slab because the condensation will not be absorbed into the slab.
    That prevents the salt and moisture in the earth from penetrating the concrete, intermingling with the lime in concrete. Some concrete contains ground ';Oyster Shell';, compounding the problem.

    This occurs through hydrostatic pressure.

    When that happens, ';Alkali'; forms and deposits on the surface of the slab.

    When hard surface flooring of any kind is glued to the slab, Alkali destroys the adhesives.

    Sometimes, before that happens Alkali will penetrate through the concrete creating deposits between grout lines of tiles of flooring. It appears as a white powder.

    There are times when the plastic may be ruptured and sometimes it does not prevent some formation of Alkali.

    Alkali travels, damn near like an animal and creates fits for flooring.

    Much research and many products have been produced to combat Alkali.

    None are 100% remedies. Sometimes Plywood sub flooring is the only answer.
    it's been answered, I'm just ';voting'; It's to keep the moisture in the concrete from being sucked up by the dirt. If the water gets leeched out the concrete will be brittle and crumble.
    Plastic sheeting creates a stoppage from the liquid concrete running into the dirt below. It needs this so the concrete can dry and not keep getting lower as it absorbs into the ground.
    My uncle is works for a cement company and he says.... To layer it so it will be stronger. The more layers it has the more weight it can support. 1-2 layers 10 tons, 3-4 layers 15 tons, and so on.
    So the ground won't absorb the water from the mix. With out plastic, your concrete will not cure to it's full potential.

    Mass. builder for 40 years.
    It's a damp proof course to prevent water penetration from below.
    To keep moisture from leeching back up through the concrete
    make sure they stick around.. else where damaging the construction..

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles that resemble lenses.

    The bubbles in these sheets are advertised to focus heat from the sun into the water, thereby raising its temperature.

    Do you think these bublles direct more solar energy into the water? Defend your answer.Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?
    The best cover would be as the one described but with a black underside which would absorb the sunlight converting it to hat which would be transferred to the water. The air bubbles do 2 things, They make the cover float and they act as a heat insulating layer preventing the heat of the water escaping. Their efficacy as a lens is doubtful.Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?
    No, because the air in the bubbles has the same refractive index as the air outside.

    When you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?

    PMS happens before your period - it doesn't get messy then! lol :-PWhen you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?
    Lmao i think some ladies have Pms at the mo babe with some answers.

    Nahh i always know when im gonna come on so i put protection on myself ready if im going to bed, i hate them plastic sheets. they use em in hospitals. They make you sweaty and it sounds like ur sleeping on a carrier bag.

    xxxWhen you have PMS , do you put plastic sheets down on the bed at night time?
    Ummmm, nooooo.
    No, just wear a tampon!
    no..... i cant say i do :)
    no i dont i wear a santiray towel which takes care of things
    Only when PMS stands for ';Pissin My Self';
    I sleep on a blanket on top of the sheets. I have white sheets and I get nervous.
    No because my PMS (permanently mad spouse) is now anj ex spouse so she don't come round my house no more................

    Do you?

    I didn't do that even after I'd given birth!
    Nope, it doesn't get that messy
    No, no need to.
    No we dont.. It just gets moist not soaking wet.
    Hahahaha...nah i just tie myself up in a bin bag for a week..x

    Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?

    Putting plastic down before pouring concrete, is to prevent any water in the concrete from being absorbed by the underlying soil. If the water were to be absorbed by the soil, the process of the concrete 'curing' properly would be affected.Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?
    Putting the plastic down might help it cure faster, but that's not why it's necessary. Concrete behaves a lot like a sponge, and without a proper plastic vapor barrier, the moisture in the soil will continuously be drawn up through the slab. As the flooring contractor stated, this makes it almost impossible to put down any kind of flooring on the concrete. Any thing with glue will eventually come up, any kind of carpet will cause mold problems, and most kinds of wood will rot.Why do people put plastic sheeting down before pouring concrete? I think i know but want to here from experts.?
    Plastic sheeting serves as a moisture barrier. Concrete is permeable and moisture from the ground can penetrate and dampen it, causing higher energy costs to heat and cool as well as possible damage to carpets and other things touching the concrete.One caveat: If you put a moisture barrier like plastic under the concrete in an open carport or other open structure such as driveways, it will make the concrete sweat and slick with moisture when the air temperature become warmer than the slab because the condensation will not be absorbed into the slab.
    That prevents the salt and moisture in the earth from penetrating the concrete, intermingling with the lime in concrete. Some concrete contains ground ';Oyster Shell';, compounding the problem.

    This occurs through hydrostatic pressure.

    When that happens, ';Alkali'; forms and deposits on the surface of the slab.

    When hard surface flooring of any kind is glued to the slab, Alkali destroys the adhesives.

    Sometimes, before that happens Alkali will penetrate through the concrete creating deposits between grout lines of tiles of flooring. It appears as a white powder.

    There are times when the plastic may be ruptured and sometimes it does not prevent some formation of Alkali.

    Alkali travels, damn near like an animal and creates fits for flooring.

    Much research and many products have been produced to combat Alkali.

    None are 100% remedies. Sometimes Plywood sub flooring is the only answer.
    it's been answered, I'm just ';voting'; It's to keep the moisture in the concrete from being sucked up by the dirt. If the water gets leeched out the concrete will be brittle and crumble.
    Plastic sheeting creates a stoppage from the liquid concrete running into the dirt below. It needs this so the concrete can dry and not keep getting lower as it absorbs into the ground.
    My uncle is works for a cement company and he says.... To layer it so it will be stronger. The more layers it has the more weight it can support. 1-2 layers 10 tons, 3-4 layers 15 tons, and so on.
    So the ground won't absorb the water from the mix. With out plastic, your concrete will not cure to it's full potential.

    Mass. builder for 40 years.
    It's a damp proof course to prevent water penetration from below.
    To keep moisture from leeching back up through the concrete
    make sure they stick around.. else where damaging the construction..

    Do you like plastic sheets?

    I just love getting into bed at night, laying in my silky smooth plastic bed sheets, it feels so lovely against my skin and I just love waking up on them. What do you think?Do you like plastic sheets?
    Plastic sheets? I think you're a bed wetter!Do you like plastic sheets?
    your name says it all girl! i prefer silk =)
    i`ve never slept on plastic sheets,

    but i`ll try anything at least once,

    Aren't plastic sheets for people who pee their beds? My baby son has one on his cot to keep his matress dry????!!!!!!!
    I prefer satin you must sweat.
    ........all the better to suffocate you with, my lovely.
    No, I would not like those.
    very goood
    Wouldn't this cause endless sweating?
    Not really !!
    I love plastic of all types
    i like em too.
    Mommie says that I can take mine off when I learn. My rubber pants are hot too.
    My 3yr old sleeps on a plastic sheet (under a cotton one), incase he pees the bed, is there something your not telling us?
    Never had plastic sheets before. Doesn't it get sweaty.
    that you are another sad lonely man...posing as a woman.
    There's such thing as plastic sheets?
    oh yeah,my freind has rock hard sheets and when i sleep over i just cant wait 2 get back home
    No, I have rubber sheets, they are cool when I lay down, cool when I move to a different position. When I have sweats in the middle of the night they stick to me and come off the corners of the bed. =D
    wow... and it's winter... can you imagine what it is like in your bed in the summer?? OMG... STICKY ICKY... yuck!!
    I think your a little crazy, but however you like to sleep is your own business.
    i would be swimming out of bed in morning after a night on plastic sheets with the night sweats, ooooo got a flush thinking about it.


    Have you tried Home Depot or JoAnn Fabric? Both sell different mil thicknesses of sheeting.
  • makeup school
  • Wishing to join plastic/vinyl sheeting used on the side of trucks and on boats as bimini type covers?

    There are heat seal type machines that literally weld the plastic together. Stitching can be used with the appropriate UV resistant thread and reinforcing materials as needed. Best bet is to consult a professional tarp and trim business. The sewing machines suitable for this type work are your good old sail making ones, although the main limiting factor is the throat of the sewing machine restricting how much material you can put through so domestic machines will be o.k. to a point..

    I would look at any existing bimini's and see what has worked for them. Making them too light will only let them fail early.

    Good luck.

    How do i get rust spots off of the plastic walls in the dishwasher from rusted cookie sheets?

    Take a Brillo pad to it, or the green scrubby side of a sponge.:)How do i get rust spots off of the plastic walls in the dishwasher from rusted cookie sheets?
    WD40 might work. http://www.wd40.com/How do i get rust spots off of the plastic walls in the dishwasher from rusted cookie sheets?
    CLR is the best for getting rust spots out - it worked for my kitchen sink after leaving a cookie sheet in there. You have to let it sit on there for about 15 minutes then scrub and it should come out.
    CLR will get it out

    How many sheets of plastic film would it take to laminate my genuine wooden floor?

    ha ha very good !!! making a substitute out of the real deal ??? (bet you get some good ways to do it though ?? )How many sheets of plastic film would it take to laminate my genuine wooden floor?
    a lot :)How many sheets of plastic film would it take to laminate my genuine wooden floor?

    It takes 3 sheets of plastic film to laminate a genuine wooden floor.
    dont buy film, but the spray laminate in a can - lot easier.

    Fitting a A1 paper sheet, in to a folder, so the sheet is accessible (not in a Plastic pocket)?

    Im doing a portfolio on a building, and i have loads of Drawings on A1 sheets, the thing is that i need to fit the A1 sheets in my portfolio folder (Normal Folder size) and the sheets need to be accesible, ie, They can be folded and need to be attached to the folder ring, and you must b able, to simply pull a side of the sheet for it to open alll of it, then it should easily b collapsed back, while still being attached to the folder ring.

    What im really wondering is if there is a way that i can fold the sheet, so i can punch two holes at a side, and it would be still accesible, without having to take the sheet out of the folder?


    Sorry if this is REALLY confusing, and if im making it hard to understand, but really need a solution to this problem.

    ThanksFitting a A1 paper sheet, in to a folder, so the sheet is accessible (not in a Plastic pocket)?
    There is a standard way to fold drawings. For A1 in landscape fold vertically five times, first 210mm from left second 190mm from first fold, third 190mm from right, the last foold is central between fold 2 and 3. Make this look like a harmonica ( I have no better description) and fold in the middle. To be able to put punch holes in unfold this and fold inwards a triangular section from the horizontal fold to about half the width of the first top section.

    Good luck. I usually need the picture for it.Fitting a A1 paper sheet, in to a folder, so the sheet is accessible (not in a Plastic pocket)?
    Could you attach a strip of card to the botttom lefthand side of your sheet of paper? The strip of card would be the length of the folder and could have the holes punched in to slot into your folder and the rest of the sheet of paper should then fold up without getting creased over the rings of the foldrer.

    (I think that if the holes are in the paper it will not fold up properly and will get creased, am guessing this is the problem?)

    Hope this makes sense!
    we all see that you do not get many big problems if this at the top of your agenda
    bit hard to explain but you can fold 1bottom corner in at 45deg then fold it up, then fold it in the 45deg leaves 1 side to punch holes and allows you to open it without removing it, most engineering drawings are folded like this

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles that resemble lenses.

    The bubbles in these sheets are advertised to focus heat from the sun into the water, thereby raising its temperature.

    Do you think these bublles direct more solar energy into the water? Defend your answer.Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?
    The bubbles will act as insulators being air filled - but focusing the light like a lens is not going to increase the toatl amount of energy entering the water - (they will only increase localised heating)Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?

    these can not

    because the total area of the lenses is not grater then the pool

    the total sunlight that falls on the pool remains same, or even less because some light is absorbed in sheet.

    but sheet can help in heating the water because it do not allow water to loose heat due to evaporation

    It acts as like a greenhouse shield

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?

    Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles that resemble lenses.

    The bubbles in these sheets are advertised to focus heat from the sun into the water, thereby raising its temperature.

    Do you think these bublles direct more solar energy into the water? Defend your answer.Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?
    The bubbles will act as insulators being air filled - but focusing the light like a lens is not going to increase the toatl amount of energy entering the water - (they will only increase localised heating)Transparent plastic swimming-pool covers called solar heat sheets have thousands of small air-filled bubbles t?

    these can not

    because the total area of the lenses is not grater then the pool

    the total sunlight that falls on the pool remains same, or even less because some light is absorbed in sheet.

    but sheet can help in heating the water because it do not allow water to loose heat due to evaporation

    It acts as like a greenhouse shield
  • makeup school
  • Where can I find black sheets of plastic?

    black trashbags maybe?Where can I find black sheets of plastic?
    hardware storeWhere can I find black sheets of plastic?
    gardening stores, they use it for weed control,, and/or try large garbage bags..
    home depot or lowes. its called visqueen most hardware stores, really, would have it, it comes in rolls or smaller pagages

    Where can i buy synthetic plastic sheets?

    as thick as ,5mm to 1.2mm

    don't say try google or something stupid like that

    (a webstore please)Where can i buy synthetic plastic sheets?
    You should try Home Depot or LowesWhere can i buy synthetic plastic sheets?
    Find a hospital supply store also there are drugs to take to stop bed wetting. See your doctor for more info.

    Lsd tab/sheet storage in plastic bag?

    Lets say person A buys 2 tabs of acid, puts it in a plastic baggy, and inserts in pocket. Is there any chance of the lsd bleeding through the plastic and being absorbed into person A's leg?Lsd tab/sheet storage in plastic bag?
    No, there is far too little LSD to be absorbed. Plus plastic barrier will act as a barrier.

    Name of toy that heated plastic sheets into forms and shapes?

    Vac-U-Form....Name of toy that heated plastic sheets into forms and shapes?
    Vac-u-formName of toy that heated plastic sheets into forms and shapes?
    maybe shrinky dinks
  • makeup school
  • What is the kind of plastic used to keep aluminum sheets from being scratched?

    Looking for a specific kind of plastic, the kind I'm looking for is blue, and is layered (kind of like a cardboard structure). Used to keep the sheets of aluminum from scratching each other. I believe it is also commercially sold in other places...any information is appreciated, a name, a website, suggestions.What is the kind of plastic used to keep aluminum sheets from being scratched?
    Who knows!


    Where can i but hdpe plastic sheets for a snowboard box??r=1256168954?

    i am building a snowboard box with a bunch of friends and we need hdpe. I was hoping that someone knows where i can purchase sheets of hdpe. Thanks.Where can i but hdpe plastic sheets for a snowboard box??r=1256168954?

    Where can I buy sheets of clear flexible plastic?

    My mum collects dolls and I want to make boxes for her to display them in. I don't want to buy ready made boxes, they are too expensive and don't come in the sizes that she needs. Can anyone help me out here? (NSW Australia).Where can I buy sheets of clear flexible plastic?
    Commercial clear packaging, like CD boxes and doll enclosures, is usually polystyrene, which is moldable and inexpensive but scratches super-easily. It's not typically for sale in any useable thickness. Home improvement stores sell tons of not just replacement glass for windows, but also plexiglass (Lucite) and polycarbonate (Lexan). Lexan is super-hard and super-expensive. Plexi might be your best bet.

    Special hook-shaped knives are used to score the plastic repeatedly (start lightly and build up pressure with each successive pass) so that the plastic will break with pressure applied to the underside of the score. Sharp table and countertop edges work well for this. Be CAREFUL and at the very least wear safety goggles! I've had shards fly up off a poor score line as well as a shifted table edge. To be competent at clear plastic sheeting is to be experienced and well-practiced.

    Plastruct brand clear and white model plastic, including polystyrene sheeting, is too thin in general for what you want - it's at model shops - but they do sell the solvent meant to weld plastics together clearly and seamlessly. The use of those solvents requires extreme skill! I'd suggest assembly with clear silicone, much like aquariums are seamed, and a lot of patience, as silicone can take 24 hours to cure per seam. There's nothing odd at all about spreading a line of silicone or non-crazing (non-whitening to plastics) super glue on scrap paper and dabbing one of the plastic edges to be glued in it. you might be able to perfect an almost-invisible seam this way... Finally, I'd suggest all seams being glued be parallel to the ground, if not also at the lowest point, so that any excess glue flows along the seam or drips out, as opposed to pooling on one edge or dripping across the sheet.

    P.S.: You could always use tiny sections of dowel rods (like toothpicks and q-tip handles) to make a raised edge on a wooden board to keep the finished display assembly from sliding on its base.Where can I buy sheets of clear flexible plastic?
    you do want to make it hard on yourself, don't you? why not a display case instead? group the dolls as it suits you. you can even decorate their environment. its easier to do.

    if you insist, try clear acrylic bought at almost any hardware store. its cheap and easy to use. use a sealant to join the edges. cutting them to size is another matter, though. take del's instructions and caution to heart. you need them specially if your going to do the cutting manually.
    hobby lobby
    Try Spotlight or Lincraft craft stores.

    Or try Ebay - You may have to use search terms like acetate etc... ans you might have to make them up yourself.

    You might even be able to find flat packed clear boxes in places like the Reject Shop or $2 clearance stores etc etc...

    Good luck.
    Try this site


    The other answers are from the good 'ol U.S.A so don't be mad at them.

    Good luck!
    Easy as pie! You can buy plexiglass at any hardware store and some clear apoxy type glue to piece it together.
    CHeck your local home improvement store. They call in plexiglass. Its plastic and they should be able to cut it to your desired length and width.
    Y ou can get (PLEXIGLASS) at your local hardware
    Acrylic glass may be suitable for what you need, and you can get that from your local hardware shop, like Bunnings, Mitre 10, etc. I'm not sure how pricey it is though!
    Home Depot, Lowe's, ACE Hardware and many others.... Plexiglass

    Calling hobbyists! where can i find a local store that sell styrene plastic sheets for hobby/model building?

    thanks very much!Calling hobbyists! where can i find a local store that sell styrene plastic sheets for hobby/model building?
    Try this

    http://www.towerhobbies.com/trains/train鈥?/a>Calling hobbyists! where can i find a local store that sell styrene plastic sheets for hobby/model building?
    micromark.com carries it.
  • makeup school
  • Saturday, March 13, 2010

    Where can i buy sheets for dust mites and a plastic cover my bed?

    maybe a spray to? yeahh.Where can i buy sheets for dust mites and a plastic cover my bed?
    If you're thinking of the things that bite,those are bed bugs.Dust mites won't harm you.You can buy a zippered mattress pad at Wal-mart.The dust mites live off dead skin you shed,and they're not just in your mattress,they're in your couch/chairs,and carpet too.If you have a problem with bed bugs,you'll need to call an exterminator.Where can i buy sheets for dust mites and a plastic cover my bed?
    Take insecticide spray from any supermarket. Spay it all over the bed, on the surface from a distance of 5 inches. Both sides of the bed and on the sides. Waste a whole can on it. Do this in the morning so that by the evening will not smell. This will keep anything away for a year.

    Do you think prospective partners might be put off by the plastic sheets on my bed?

    URINE trouble if she sees those babe...!! Buy some Pampers discreet pj pants ... and I`ll give u a sticker chart ...3 dry nights and you`re home and DRY ... LOL xxDo you think prospective partners might be put off by the plastic sheets on my bed?
    It's like this dude, if there is a strong smell of ammonia when people walk inthe room, you are not getting laid unless you are with someone that likes golden stuff.

    However . . . . . .

    Plastic sheets are very nice if you plan on breaking out a gallon of oil, waaaay less to clean up. go for it.Do you think prospective partners might be put off by the plastic sheets on my bed?
    mmmmmmmmmm, that way the oil doesn't soak into the bed. and i can get as wet as you will get me.

    I think Nicky just asked what we all want to know!!!

    Ya might think about removing them until AFTER your partner has left for the night....unless of course SHE is plastic,also.!!!

    I wanna play with Rango....!!!!
    So lets just clarify - you're incontinent?

    EDIT: Check Mate!
    Just tell them it's easier to wipe clean after all the sweetly love making that's going to happen between you and them!
    They may do. Especially when you seal-up the openings.
    It would be the ';kanga '; pants that would sway me lol;o)

    Di xxx
    Awe bless, buy a mattress cover instead, less plastic in them.

    Ha ha I reckon they sure would be,,,

    I'm looking for a small amount of white, translucent, corrugated plastic sheeting in the LA area by tomorrow.

    I'm using it to make a model, so I only need a small sheet, nothing industrial in scale. A place to buy it near downtown LA would be optimal. From what I've found, the material is known as corrugated plastic or hollow board in some places.I'm looking for a small amount of white, translucent, corrugated plastic sheeting in the LA area by tomorrow.
    The brand name is Coroplast, Some hobby shops and art supply stores do stock it, generally near the foam core. I would be sure to check with individual stores before going in person. If you have no luck with that then your next best bet would be to call a sign shop or printing/graphics company that specialises in large format graphics. One of these businesses may be willing to provide you with what you need.


    Good luck.

    Clear plastic sheets for whiteboard?

    i'm looking for some clear plastic sheets (similar to laminating) that i can use a dry erase markers on and place over the whiteboard in my classroom - for putting music notes on the staff etc.

    i don't want to rewrite them over and over. since there is no laminator in my school, i am at a loss for what to use. of course i can by laminating rolls. anything else i can use and where to get it?Clear plastic sheets for whiteboard?
    Would blank transparencies be the right size to use?Clear plastic sheets for whiteboard?
    Use Plexiglas. You can buy it at a hardware store in various sizes and thicknesses. It is also cheap.
    Draw them on thicker paper, and then buy contact paper (the sealing people put in cabinets). It is very inexpensive. Also, I have found, if you live by an university, it is fairly cheap to use their laminators.

    Who makes iron-on transfer sheets for dark fabrics that don't leave the plastic film or white background?

    Most of the iron-on transfers for dark fabrics that I have seen in arts and crafts stores are mainly for pictures. I need an iron-on transfer for letters and I'd like them to just transfer the part that's printed on, and nothing else. At shirt-making booths, they have these kinds of iron-ons that don't transfer the white background or opaque plastic-like film. I need that kind, but not in bulk. Thanks!Who makes iron-on transfer sheets for dark fabrics that don't leave the plastic film or white background?
    http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/40…Who makes iron-on transfer sheets for dark fabrics that don't leave the plastic film or white background?
    You start buy getting the floor real clean getting rid of any dirt or oil spots. You can use latex if you wish. It may take two coats. The epoxy paints will also work fine but are a bit pricey.
    Hi i am looking for the same thing so can you please let me know if you find out? Thanks
    at an arts and crafts store
  • makeup school
  • My mother is bed wetting; where can I get plastic sheets the waterproof mattress pad & depends r not working?

    She does have Alzheimer's so I really need plastice sheets

    It's hard to work with her on this, she's pretty much lost control

    and takes off the depends at night while she sleeps and just goes.

    I do her sheets twice a day, the ';hospital pads'; dont cover every inch of her mattress though I try; they move and then and urine seeps thru.

    Can somebody guide me to where i can buy fitted plastice or old fashioned rubber sheets for a full size bed?My mother is bed wetting; where can I get plastic sheets the waterproof mattress pad %26amp; depends r not working?
    I just searched for ';rubber sheets'; and got http://www.bentonmedical.com/sheets.html among others. I'd guess any sort of medical supply company would carry these. There are also special mattresses you can buy that have a coating of plastic on top of them.My mother is bed wetting; where can I get plastic sheets the waterproof mattress pad %26amp; depends r not working?
    Plastic Mattress Pad - http://www.originalmattressfac鈥?/a>

    Report Abuse

    If Social Services are involved, they should be helping out with this sort of thing. If not, why don't you contact them? Most of the carers working for and through the Social Services are kind, helpful and honest. They will also do the messy jobs for your mother and can arrange for 'respite care' to give you a break every now and then.

    I've just thought, you may not be British, in which case none of the above will apply, sorry
    your doctor or health visitor should be able to help you with these .
    Look around on the internet for special need stores. Or maybe her Doctor can recommend something.

    Im sorry to hear about the alzheimers, my grandpa had it. I never meat him, he died before I was born. I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers.
    Call or go to a hospital supply store and they'll be able to set you up.
    Any department store should have them in the bedding section- Try Wal-Mart.
    If you can't find a better solution, you can use a plastic shower curtain as a rubber sheet. They are pretty large and can cover enough of the bed to be a solution. I think they're cheaper than special sheets.
    try a specialty drug store, they sell just about everything needed to care for ill people. also try aq kids specialty store, they carry sheets that pull over the whole bed like a bag and then zip shut.
    you can get the kind that go alround the bed at walmart with a zipper on them but your still going to want to put a regular sheet over them to make them more comfortable because in the winter they will be cold and in the summer they will hot and itchy..i got them for my kids both were bed wetters
    Bed bath %26amp; Beyond will most likely have them...call first if they are not close.

    Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?

    I was wondering if it was possible to run a plastic binder cover (like the kind you use with a comb binding machine) through my printer? I'm not sure if the ink would even actually stick to it... or if it might even melt in my new printer? I have a new Kodak ESP3... so I don't want to mess it up! Anyone know? I know you can buy clear sheets made for the inkjet printers... but I didn't know if these were different... Thanks in advance.Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?
    The ink won't stick to it.Plastic binder cover sheets through the inkjet? Is it safe?
    the binder covers a to slick for the ink to stick to. the ';overhead'; clear plastic printable sheets are a bit thin for use as covers. There are Thermal plastic sheets that will take printing...ask some graphic engineer...they use it for overlays on plans.

    Why do 5 year old boys sleep in plastic sheets?

    they may be bed wetters ,although plastic sheets aren't good for anyone they draw on the body and make the body sweat ,this can cause sores and irritation, better get him some flannel or cotton ones ,get rid of the plastic ,it's extremely bad for the boys.Why do 5 year old boys sleep in plastic sheets?
    He's a bed wetter and it protects the mattress!Why do 5 year old boys sleep in plastic sheets?
    What!!!!!!!!! Its probably the plastic sheet which goes under the bottom sheet. This prevents any urine going onto the mattress.
    Not ALL 5 year olds sleep on plastic sheets but the reason some do is just in case they wet the bed, it will protect the mattress
    u mean a platic cover for the matress.

    i think if its plastic sheets that will be very unconfortable to sleep in

    but the plastic cover for matress protects the matress from a bed wetter its normal
    he either wets the bed in his sleep, or he likes to get the hose, and play ';slip and slide'; after everyone else goes to sleep. :)

    Where can i buy strips/ sheets of flexible plastic?

    Not too floppy, strong but flexible plastic stuff. (for use around pet cage to keep bedding in)

    Online / in store UK?Where can i buy strips/ sheets of flexible plastic?
    You can get best plastic sheets, tarpaulin or strips at one place itself. Visit At : http://www.shakticooperation.com. It is engaged in manufacturing and supplying best quality range of plastic sheets and tarpaulins.Where can i buy strips/ sheets of flexible plastic?
    Try the DIY sheds B %26amp; Q ,Homebase etc or a good handyman type shop. We have one that cuts to size if you happen to be in Gwent.
    google outwater plastics

    Plastic sheeting on bank at side of Motorways???

    While travelling up and down the country I noticed there are sections of the bank that have 18inch high clear plastic sheeting on it sometimes for several miles?

    Bugging me like mad, any ideas?Plastic sheeting on bank at side of Motorways???
    It could be an area where newts are and they are protected creatures .

    They are probably doing work there on the embankments so they will have to save as many as they can.

    I used to work for a motorway maintenance company.Plastic sheeting on bank at side of Motorways???
    Can't say I've seen it, but it sounds like weather deflectors, (e.g. snow)
    i often wondered that i just assumed it was seeds or very young trees just planted %26amp; its to stop the birds getting at them.

    but i may be wrong
    probably protecting young plants from cold weather.
    might be if the bank is loose to hold it in place

    Corragated plastic sheets?

    hi can anyone help I have a chicken run on my allotment and need to put a corragated roof on top of a 6'6'' fence to keep put foxes who have killed my flock can you tell me how to fasten down plastic sheets without tearing or wind damage thanksCorragated plastic sheets?
    Instead of the corrugated sheeting I would use chicken wire, It will make a nice top for your coop, allow sunshine in and keep the foxes out. Its also cheaper, easier to work with and you can use a tarp on part of it if you want to create a shaded area.Corragated plastic sheets?
    you can buy nails specifically designed with rubber seals nder the heads for fixing roof sheets such as these try ringing local builders merchants. i would recommend pre drilling the sheets with a sharp hss drill bit prior to nailing as they will otherwise shatter. at the ends on the edges attach a facia board to cover the exposed ends of the boards flush with the top and a piece of the same board flat on the top edge screwed into the facia for extra wind protection
  • makeup school
  • Which UK shops sell thin plastic dust sheets ?

    any DIY storesWhich UK shops sell thin plastic dust sheets ?
    R.I.P. Burn %26amp; Sons, Crematorium suppliers, 6, Footunder Street, Barrow-in-Furnace.Which UK shops sell thin plastic dust sheets ?
    Wickes sell them.
    B%26amp;Q or any buildes yard should sell them'or go to a charity shop and but old sheets or curtains they do the same job.



    any half decent DIY shop
    argos do. Homebase and Focus etc. Or just ask someone on freecycle if they have some spare.
    You'll find them in B%26amp;Q.
    Try and cheap shops wilkinson, poundland, QD youll get ripped off at big diy shops
    B %26amp; Q or any wallpaper shops or paint shops
    B%26amp;Q or Argos



    Glynn Webb
    diy shops?

    What are the plastic sheets called that soldiers sleep unter when sleeping outdoors?

    TentsWhat are the plastic sheets called that soldiers sleep unter when sleeping outdoors?
    If it's plastic, its probably a poncho. If it's cloth, a shelter half.What are the plastic sheets called that soldiers sleep unter when sleeping outdoors?
    unter gleeben glaowben globen.
    Poncho or a tarp. Sometimes we just crash out under the stars!
    Dutch is right. It wernt no comforter. rat
    Poncho liners
    Groundsheet or Poncho
    Um, a tent...
    I don't know but I'll take a guess

    I think you're talking about the poncho. They are not specifically designed for sleeping under, they are supposed to be a wet-weather overgarment. But, since they are basically just a big waterproof rectangle, they are about the most useful multi-purpose piece of equipment the Army issues.
    Two man Pup tents. Each person carries one shelter half. And they are rubberized plastic for flexability and endurance. Each shelter half has a hooded head hole and can be used as a pancho.
    Plastic sheets
    In the Marine Corps we would drape our ponchos over our shelter halves for extra wet weather protection. So I suppose it does kinda look like a plastic sheet.

    What clear solid surface can I peel acrylic paint off! I have used shipping plastic, need a solid sheet?

    I am making paintings (fine art) that can be painted and lifted like large decals. I have used 6 mil shipping plastic, This works great, but is hell to format and non-permanent. I need to identify and locate a more stable substitute. (Clear plastic sheeting; large solid sheets that watersoluble paint will peel off of.)

    I would think the same thing tupperware is made of (polypropylene), but cannot find it in flat clear sheets. Does anyone know what the clear painters pallettes are made of (melamine?) and if it is sold in sheets to the public?

    I have been trying to put a finger on this for over 2 years--any help or leads out there?

    thanxWhat clear solid surface can I peel acrylic paint off! I have used shipping plastic, need a solid sheet?
    Poly carbon Lexan would work well. My husband was the plant manager for a place that made clear bottom kayaks and that it what they used. It comes in different thicknesses and is bulletproof. One of my hubby's fav tests for the buyer was to take a 12 lb sledgehammer and beat on the kayak to show how strong it was. It is also very lightweight. The whole kayak only weighed 38 lbs. I did the graphics on them and the acrylic should peel off nicely. If you would like more info go to my profile and e-mail me. Good luck!What clear solid surface can I peel acrylic paint off! I have used shipping plastic, need a solid sheet?
    try some of your local sign painters. They have a lot of strange plastic sheets that they do signs on. I buy one type that you can stick to a car window and remove. I put signs on them so I can remove and reapply. That might even work. You could adhere it to a piece of glass ...do your paint application....let it dry and then remove.

    Mylar from an art supply might work...
    get a sheet of glass my friend and tape the edges in a good duct tape-also you can go to a plastics store and buy sheets of acrylic. Different thickness', different prices of course-buy something small-you can also go to crafts stores to buy pre-cut to use instead of glass in frames-check it out, I bet it will work. Worth a couple $$ to know-
    Glass is good. Prepare the surface with a undiluted liquid soap wash and let that dry. Across that you do a quick layer of medium or any color you want. Quick is the key as you don't want to mix it with the soap to much. Let it all dry and do your thing.

    It isn't the read-made solution you were looking for but this works very well.
    Check out Home Depot or Lowes if you have one around. Plenty of things there.

    Where can I buy black Coroplast sheets (corrugated plastic) in Toronto/Etobicoke?

    I desperately need this material for a project at work, my boss is counting on me. I've already looked at Home Depot (only white stuff), Walmart had nothing, and Michaels had nothing.

    Any Suggestions???Where can I buy black Coroplast sheets (corrugated plastic) in Toronto/Etobicoke?
    Try a plastics supplier, there are quite a few in toronto,


    http://www.kidder.ca/ %26lt;-- they have lots on their site

    Just google 'toronto plastics suppliers'; you'll find plenty..

    What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?

    I suppose with an election just around the corner I better hold on to them...What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?
    Yes you should hold on them. If the country is leaning towards voting for a Democrat, I'm sure another terrorist attack will be imminent. You can never have enough plastic sheets and duct tape.What do I do with all those plastic sheets and Duct tapes that I was told to stock up with?
    comes in handy for painting inside the house
    Send them to Iraq.
    sell them to the republicans for their boys only crisco parties gotta cover up all that expensive furniture
    I have an idea for the duct tape.....
    Put them with the SARS face masks and the swine flu vaccines.
    donate them to the kurds that were gased by saddam, oh waint to late
    You could go help paint at at homeless shelter and use them for covering the floors and window trim. You could help build and paint one of those houses that Jimmy Carter brags about. But you are right, since a democrat is sure to be elected as next president, you might wanna make sure you cover the windows and doors because most likely we won't be winning the war against terrorists then.
    What were you supposed to do with the originally? Seal your house air tight? Several Americans died from doing just that that after 9/11.

    ';three_suspensions_one_'; beat me to the punchline...

    I yield to his response.
    You could make a special campaign flag for the GOP to remind eveyone who wanted us to get that stuff.
    Hold on to them just in case.

    Where is the cheapest place to buy a sheet of transparent plastic (perspex??) ?

    I need a small sheet of transparent plastic (is perspex what I am looking for or is this only a single variation?) about 1m x 0.25m (and only a few of mm thick)

    I can only find it on the internet in vast quantaties!!

    Thanks!Where is the cheapest place to buy a sheet of transparent plastic (perspex??) ?
    most places around here call it plexiglass, and is going up in price all the time.Where is the cheapest place to buy a sheet of transparent plastic (perspex??) ?
    A good place to find a small piece is either:

    on eBay

    or look in the yellow pages under plastics fabricator and see if you can get an offcut.

    or try a distributor eg for the UK:


    if you live near one of their warehouses they might cut and sell you an offcut cheap.
    I bought a piece of thin, sturdy transparent plastic at Home Depot to replace a broken window. Not sure if it was perspex tho...
    Is your name Dexter by any chance?
  • makeup school
  • How do they print photos on plastic and where can I get the sheets?

    My son got his school pictures recently. Included was a sheet of plastic that had his picture on 3 bookmarks, 2 key chains and 2 wallet cards.

    My question is how did they do this? I would like to make them myself. I think they used some form of Dye Sublimation printing, but where did they get the perforated plastic sheets?

    And example of the sheets can be found here:


    I'm looking for these exact sheets.

    ThanksHow do they print photos on plastic and where can I get the sheets?

    You're exactly right - what you're seeing there is dye-sublimation processing/printing. Dye-sub printing has come a long way in the last few years - even to the point that one can use a fairly low-end Epson inkjet printer as part of the process. It can also be quite fun %26amp; pretty simple. The concept is that ink is baked into specialized substrate materials (for example, a coaster with a special coating on top) - this actually places the ink into the material, so scratches and wear/tear won't affect it.

    Unfortunately, the printing process does require some specialized things that can make it a bit costly to get started - specialized inks and/or a specialized printer, a heat press, and special ';imprintable'; materials.

    If you're interested, I'd encourage you to take a look at http://www.dyesub.org - this site has quite a bit of info about the process and does a good job of explaining it.

    Also, if you'd like, you can take a look at http://www.johnsonplastics.com - this is just one of many companies that specialize in this process, but they were quite helpful in explaining the processes and options when I was starting to look into it.

    I hope this is helpful to you. Have a good one!

    I need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?

    i don't want to buy a expensive card printer so i need to print with my inkjet printerI need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?
    I think you would have to buy special ink, otherwise it would run/smear when it got wet, or rub off easily. Cheap homemade ink jet business cards make you look like an amateur in business.I need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?
    Try Walmart, Staples or some other store that carries business products.
    I just ordered business cards from Vista Print online that cost only $14.00 including shipping, for 250. That seems like it would be a less expensive way to go.

    I need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?

    i don't want to buy a expensive card printer so i need to print with my inkjet printerI need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?
    wal-mart! they have paper, see through velium, and plastic coated card stock for business cards!

    of course if your not designing your own then just order some from vistaprint. you get 250 for free and all you pay is shipping.I need plastic business cards that come on a sheet like the paper kind and can be printed with a ink jet?
    Get Cardstock paper. Its a hard paper (not rough) and works with all home printers.

    Where do i find refill sheets and plastic rings for spotz machine?

    where did you buy it in the first place ??? look for refills there or google for them..Where do i find refill sheets and plastic rings for spotz machine?

    Where could I find the sheet music to the John Lennon song, ';Isolation'; from the album Plastic Ono Band?

    I'm looking for sheet music for all and any instruments including the vocal on that song.Where could I find the sheet music to the John Lennon song, ';Isolation'; from the album Plastic Ono Band?
    Try these links below-






    http://www.sheetmusic.comWhere could I find the sheet music to the John Lennon song, ';Isolation'; from the album Plastic Ono Band?
    If you're in England, you're in luck, as you can purchase and download it from:


    It didn't work, when I entered my country as ';US'; on that site, so if you're from the US, it probably won't let you get it. However, it's also in the John Lennon ';The Solo Years'; sheet music book.


    What are those plastic peelable cover sheets for phones?

    The clear plastic covering to protect the screen? I want to buy a sheet on eBay but don't know what to search.What are those plastic peelable cover sheets for phones?
    Screen protectorsWhat are those plastic peelable cover sheets for phones?
    a sort of film that covers the screen...

    Search for phone screen protector
    Try ';screen protectors';

    Good luck!
    its supposed to help the screen from being scatched but i dont believe it does
  • makeup school
  • What's best for cutting thin sheets of plastic? Talking precision cutting mostly.?

    For small pieces of .1 or .2 mm polystyrene.What's best for cutting thin sheets of plastic? Talking precision cutting mostly.?
    You can also score (not quite cut completely through) and then bend and snap plastic for straight cuts. For intricate designs, I'd go with a #11 Exacto style blade and be careful.

    Use hardboard or something not too soft as a backing -- too soft and the plastic will bend and deform. Also, depending on what you're cutting, you can cut a little outside your guidelines and then sand to exact shape/fit.What's best for cutting thin sheets of plastic? Talking precision cutting mostly.?
    Have you tried an exacto type knife?
    I would guess a roller-type paper cutter. They don't seem to snag and tear like a drag-blade, and seem to stay tighter than the traditional paper cutter.

    Various sizes, but they kind of look like this...

    for straight cuts a straightedge and ';sharp'; Xacto knife

    on a solid surface to prevent deformation of your plastic

    some modellers use a piece of tempered glass with the edges rounded

    as the knife won't damage it

    for intricate curvy cuts great care and patience as well as a sharp knife
    For sheet plastic that thin, I'd use an Xacto knife with a #11 blade.

    How do you print on plastic sheets?

    i want to make prints on sheets like the kind used on MTG life counters. i have a website on the bottom to show what im talking about. where do i get this plastic sheets from and how do i print on them?

    http://www.coolstuffinc.com/main_supplie鈥?/a>How do you print on plastic sheets?
    This isnt something that you can put through your regular printer. Your home printer rolls the paper over a relatively tight turn while its printing. The plastic your looking at is too stiff.

    Most of this stuff was screenprinted. Find a local screenprinter if your still interested and they can hook you up.How do you print on plastic sheets?
    There used to be a plastic material you could buy that you can run thru an inkjet printer. I found it at a computer show. Maybe a photo store would have it.
    u dont

    Where can i find magnified plastic sheets?

    thin layers of magnified plastic sheetsWhere can i find magnified plastic sheets?
    You are talking about Fresnel lenses. They can be found at Edmund scientific for example

    http://www.scientificsonline.com/Where can i find magnified plastic sheets?
    kmart? kids r us.

    Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?

    I may need to look after one for a few weeks as I've got a pal going into hospital.Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?
    yeah invite me round, i'll bring the eggs, you supply the bacon.Would it be OK to keep a live pig in my garage (i've got some plastic sheeting to protect it)?
    I think you'll piss it off big time in an average small, dark garage!
    Nice one!

    Find your nearest pig farmer
    I don't see why not seeing there are people who keep pet pot bellied pigs in their house.
    migght be but the smell will take weeks to go .////////////////
    I think that's kind of cruel, the pig needs fresh air. Why not leave it where it is and just visit it every day? Less hassle, and your car will NOT get dirty, pigs are for life not just for Christmas.
    That depends on the laws in your town/municipality. Have you dealt with livestock before? Other than than, if you had your parents' permission, why not.
    Sure, why not....

    And if it doesnt work out you will have free bacon for a year!
    no itz not rite coz

    it wil harm u

    it wil spread diseases

    it gives bad smell

    gerage is v small for cattle
    Pigs need soft ground to walk on.

    Also pigs should not be kept around birds!!! %26lt;---Because for the bird flu to occur, the simple germs pass from bird to pig back to bird again and that's what makes the bird flu.


    Read the best answer for more info, about the birds and pigs.

    She explains it way better than I ever could.
    FIRST, you need to get a bale of straw for its bedding. Make sure it has plenty of water source, You can get some supplies from your friend to take care of it. If he is the pets owner, he should help you with this situation, but definately get it water and a bed. You will need to clean out the garage quite often. How big is the pig? If not to big you can buy a dog ';halter'; and put it outside to do any ';business'; and in the garage at night. Fenced yard? Need more info, but your friend should by all means help you with this endeavor.
    Well, some people do own pigs as pets, so I will take your question seriously.

    Is this pig a pot-belly or a regular size pig? Is he used to living indoors or does he stay outdoors?

    Assuming this is a rather small pot-belly pig:

    If he is an outdoor pig, then just go over and take care of him at your friends house. If he is an indoor pig, you could either go over and feed/ take him out/clean up after him, etc.

    I don't know how he would react to being put in your garage.. As for the plastic sheeting, I think he would eat it, which would most likely result in your friend returning to a dead pig. So, check that out.

    I would suggest you find a place that boards pigs.. I'm sure there must be some, since a lot of people do own pot-belly pigs.
    is the plastic sheet to protect the garage or the pig?
    take it out on a walk twice a day and feed it and water it regularly and it will be fine!
    OK if you join it.

    RSPCA on speed dial.
    Plastic sheeting and straw would be ok for a while in an emergency. Make sure you change the straw

    as often as needed .Good luck 1
    err no.

    Its highly irresponsible and illegal.

    Pigs movements ( from farm to farm...not the other type of movement ) need to be reported to DEFRA.

    And you need to be registere to keep a pig - yes even for a day.

    If you have to ask the question then I guess your've never kept pigs before and so don't know if you may be transmitting desease around.

    I'll bookmark this, maybe this is where the next foot and mouth outbreak will start.
    You need to give your pig lots to do. Pigs are very intelligent and will get bored easily and become unhappy. Put interesting stuff in the garage and maybe even a TV (as long as its out of reach. I'm not entirely sure your pig will like a TV, just an idea)

    It also needs to be comfortable so put down lots of straw which you can get from a farmer or a farm shop or something. Or even from a pet shop.

    You will also need a big bucket of fresh water for it to drink every day, and of course, some food.

    Don't forget to clean the garage occasionally.
    Check with local authorities (animal control or ASPCA) first...in many cities it is illegal to keep pigs, goats, chickens etc. in urban residential areas. If this is true of your area, the ASPCA can just come along and seize the animal, and then you will have to pay the fine, which is not low. They won't listen to explanations...it's the law. So find out before you commit to helping your friend.
    only if its temporary. And you might want to stick it in you basement if the weather is too much for it. Especially if your friend kept it in the house. If its too cold, a heat lamp can be set up, too hot, fans maybe?

    Can the pig just stay at home and you stop by and take care of it several times a day? It might be less stress on you and the pig.
    why not ? food -water-not too hot? ( pig poop smells REAL bad )