Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?

I am looking to help moisture proof my crawl spaceWhat is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?
Construction adhesive at the top of the block. A good solid line of it. Don't scrimp the first time. Push plastic against it and rub. Do not disturb the joint. Hope this helps. I did this on my crawl space and did it ever make a difference on the amount of moisture coming through the wall! Many times when a foundation for a crawl space is built it is not damp proofed. It is not a requirement of code to damp proof 'non living' spaces. So the contractor does not do it but later on the homeowner wonders why the wall is moist or damp to the touch. Good for you that you are doing this. Do not attach to the plate. It is my personal feeling that if attached to plate it can lead to the plate becoming more entrained with moisture and maybe failing earlier. Or what is in contact with the plate. Hope this helps.What is the best way to bond plastic sheeting to concrete blocks?
From the outside, right? The ';tar'; damproofing or bitumen is the best job. You can then place the plastic over the tar. The key is getting the tar as close the grade line as possible. Most moisture entering foundation comes from improper grading or downspouts that are not properly extended. Make sure grade pitches properly away from foundation. Also extend downspouts 5 feet from foundation.
spray tak or 3M spray adhesive spray it on the concrete and on the plastic and wait 5mins before sticking
Using paint on the block and apply the plastic sheeting.
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  • How can I print onto velcro backed plastic sheets?


    I'd like to make some patches which are printed directly onto plastic, which can then be backed with heavy duty velcro. Rather than credit card type width think more along the lines of a thin mouse-mat, but with velcro replacing the foam.

    Is this something that I can do from home with any deal of realism?

    Would I need to print onto the surface and then finish it in some way after?

    If there is some sort of online resource for this and you would be so kind as to link me I don't mind researching, I'm just only able to see printing to credit cards in my searches.

    Many thanks for any help!How can I print onto velcro backed plastic sheets?
    That's a job best done by a professional printing company as they have the VERY expensive equipment to print ontp plastic, then add a suitable backing.

    it's not something that you could do with equipment on a size and budget to have at home

    What's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?

    It's flat, like paper, but with a layer of plastic over top of it that has grooves into it that refracts the image printed on the paper. You used to get them in cereal/crackerjack boxes, or printed on a child's plastic ruler, or sometimes even the cover of a book would have them. Depending on the angle that you hold them, you see different images. You could tip them back and forth to produce a little 5 or 6 frame animation. Or some of them even let you see some basic 3D stereoscopic images. You don't need to wear 3D glasses or anything, it's just a flat thing.

    What's that technology called? I'm trying to find info about them and I don't know what they're called. Is there a company that will make them for me?What's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?
    It's called autostereoscopy. The grooved plastic is either a lenticular lens or parallax barrierWhat's the technology called for those plastic sheets with the refracting grooves in them to see multiple imgs?
    You may be talking about a Fresnel lens which is flat but provides magnification. It consists of grooves in the plastic. You can see odd optical things when you bend it or look at it at an angle.

    You may also be talking about a ';polarizing'; filter which physically blocks some of the light waves and allows other light waves to pass thru. The ';grooves'; are too small to see.

    I suppose you could have a polarized Fresnel lens.

    Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?

    i recently had drainage pipes installed in my backyard. the pipes are draining to the front street. my yard is all dirt. the landscaper suggest that i put plastic sheets down all over the back yard and put gravel or wood chips on top of it. he called it walking mulch. he said to put the plastic down to keep the rain from penetrating the soil right away. he also graded the yard so that the yard is sloped away from my home. has anyone every done this before. he suggest i do it before the next rain which is coming soon. thank you for any advice or comments in advance.Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?
    That just does not sound right.

    The drainage pipes are supposed to drain the water away. If you cover the ground with plastic, you are going to have a big, artificial lake. When you go to remove the plastic, the water has to go somewhere. That's right, it will go right onto the ground you just kept it off of.

    Ask him to give you a better explanation of what he did. Is it perforated pipe? Does it need time to compact properly, if so the rain should do that.

    Good luck.Drainage - Backyard - advised to use plastic sheets to help keep the soil dry?
    I'd think you'd be better off sowing some quick growing annual grass seed to hold the soil. If necessary you could even cover the seeded dirt with burlap to stop erosion. The grass will grow right thru and the burlap will decompose so no need to pull it up. Annual grass will sprout within a week and hold the soil for awhile.You'd want to reseed with a good perennial lawn mix for permanent grass. The grading away from the house is a very good idea is you want a dry basement.

    Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?

    I'm looking to buy some heavy duty clear plastic sheets/strips that you typically see in the grocery store that separate the cold rooms from the colder rooms. I'm looking to get some so I can hang them from my gazebo to protect the innards from the elements. No need to comment on how ugly it will look... I'm going for function not fashion. The only thing I can find are really thin but large plastic tarps, which look like they would fly away in a light breeze.Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?

    Try building supply retailer.Anyone know what those large plastic sheets/strips are called (seen in meat department)?
    Not sure of trade name

    Heavy plastic flaps that hang from door openings to allow people %26amp; machines to enter /exit without having a fixed door....right?

    Try Grainger's or Mc Master's online ..........might as well look under ';enviornmental barriers'; as mentioned.

    Best regards
    Look for that in the paint dept. of you local DIY store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.).

    You can choose the thickness you prefer, which is referred to as Mils...the higher the number, the thicker the plastic. You will probably want at least a 2mil, I would suggest 5mil if it is to last thru the hot summer sun...and it comes in assorted lenghts with approximately a 6ft. width.

    As for your project being unsightly, it doesn't have to be that either. I attacked a similar project myself and it came out superbly! I used inexpensive lx2x6's to make a frame and attached plastic to the boards with a staple gun (be sure to double the plastic over where you staple it-like a ';hem';) then attached those to the existing 4x4 posts on my open patio. Came out looking like a professional greenhouse, and was easy to take down when it became too hot in the summer.


    Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?

    What are my options? What's the name of these type of plastics?

    Id like to buy in bulk, raw sizes to get the lowest price possible.. Its bendable like this:

    http://www.bicgraphic.com/servlet/Online鈥?/a>Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?
    any big office supply store.Where can I buy Plastic sheets like those used in notebook covers?
    Try your local Office Depot, or Staples. They should have what you are looking for and if not they can tell you where you can get them.

    I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?

    My son is 13 and has hit puberty. I've noticed stains on his sheets and mattress. Semen stains. I didn't want to embarrass him, so I didn't say anything about it. I just put the plastic sheet on his mattress. He used to wet the bed many years ago, so he had a plastic sheet, but he hasn't needed it since he started being dry, so we took it off. But now he's upset that I want him to sleep with a plastic sheet covering the mattress. I guess he feels it makes him like a baby. But I want to protect the mattress. I told him that it's a choice between him wearing GoodNites and plastic sheets. I know that wet dreams aren't the same as bedwetting, but it seems to me that if someone can't keep his bed dry at night, he should have some protection. The problem is that my son is really upset about the plastic sheet. What can I say to him so he feels better about it?I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
    I'm not sure what you could say. I'm sure everyone already feels awkward. But what if you just use a bed cushion under a regular sheet and tell him that it's so he is more comfortable and so that the bed doesn't get lumpy? Or get some mattress pads and he may not even notice those under his regular sheets. They work very well, I was a caregiver for an elderly man and I would put them on his bed because he would wet every night and he never noticed. So, if they can hold incontinence, I'm sure they can hold 'wet dreams'.I need to put plastic sheets on my son's bed because of his wet dreams but he is against it?
    Wow, I dont think that wet dreams call for a plastic sheet. This is just embarassing to him. All boys his age go through this and to be honest, you are the first i heard of putting a plastic sheet. That is your choice, I just dont think it is necessary. You can just wash his sheets more often.
    I'm not a parent, so I don't know. But you could try getting one of those liner things that they put under sheets... the ones that are cloth-like on one side and plastic on the other? Maybe? I dunno.
    Have a set of sheets dedicated just to his bed.....problem solved. Wash once a week or once every 2 weeks. Problem solved.
    Didn't you say your son was 10 in your last question....

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